Boat Valheim, all about boats in Valheim

Boat Valheim, all about boats in Valheim (raft, karve and Drakkar)!

All about boats in the game Valheim. How to build them, use them and use the sails + lots of other information.

What is the boat for?

The boat allows you to move in the oceans of the game valheim.

How to build a boat?

The raft :

To make a raft you just need to have a nearby workbench to be able to put it down.

To build it you will need:

  • 20 wood
  • 6 piece of leather
  • 10 resins (on the Gray Dwarves that we find them I believe)

boat on valheim

To build it on water you have to do:

  1. Select Hammer
  2. Press F to switch to the construction tab
  3. Select raft / karve or Drakkar
  4. Press the left mouse button to place it in the water

The karve:

To make a Karve you just need to have a nearby workbench to be able to put it down.

To build it you will need:

  • 30 fine woods
  • 10 deer skin
  • 20 resin
  • 80 bronze nails

The longship:

To make a Drakkar you just need to have a nearby workbench to be able to put it down.

To build it you will need:

  • 40 fine woods
  • 10 deer skin
  • 40 ancient bark (in swamps)
  • 100 iron nails

How to sail with a boat?

On the raft just interact with the rudder. You can go at 3 different speeds. Slow, medium and fast. More reverse gear.

How to move forward with the rudder?

Just click on Z and next to the compass, the direction icon will appear. To reverse just press the S key until the raft begins to move backwards.

The slow speed allows you to turn quickly so that the wind comes from the right side.

To use the sail?

Just press Z 1-2 times to lower the sails. The wind must come from behind to move forward, if the wind is facing you, the raft will stop.

How to steer the boat?

You have to press the A and D keys to turn the boat in the direction you want.

How to stop the boat?

To stop the boat, just click on Z or S until all the sails are raised and the rudder icon on the right is no longer displayed at all.

All information about Valheim:


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