Campfire Minecraft

Campfire Minecraft

In this article we will see how to make a campfire Minecraft and what is the campfire for Minecraft. But before you start, know that this block arrived in 1.14 (Snapshot 19w02a) so don't be surprised if you don't find it in older versions.

Summary :

  • I. The different constructions of the campfire.
  • II. Possible uses and interactions of the campfire.

I. The different constructions of the campfire.

How to make a campfire in Minecraft?

Construction of a campfire Minecraft



To make a campfire in Minecraft, it's very simple, you will need:

  • 3 sticks →  
  • 1 coal or charcoal → Coal Minecraft Where
  • 3 wood →  

All of these components will need to be placed this way in the workbench → :

Construction of a campfire Minecraft

Well, it's all well and good to know how to make a campfire, but what is it for, exactly?

II. Possible uses and interactions of the campfire.

What is the Minecraft campfire used for?

a) Produce light

The campfire's primary purpose, you will have understood I think, is to produce light, it also has a lighting level of 15; which is the maximum possible in Minecraft. Additionally, a campfire can be extinguished with water and reignited with a lighter.

b) Cook food

VSI don't have everything of course, it is also possible to use it to cook food such as: raw beef, raw chicken, raw pork, raw mutton, raw cod, and raw salmon. You can put up to 4 foods on a campfire and the cooking lasts 30 seconds, that's 3 times longer than in a furnace.

c) Die

Well, I grant you, it's not the most fun and the most useful, but contrary to appearances, this little block can kill you. Indeed, the latter will inflict half a heart on you per tick (1 tick = 0.05 seconds). But unlike fire, campfire doesn't spread and set you on fire.


See the rest of the guides on Minecraft:

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