Fix the sound on the Rythm discord bot.

At the moment, the Rythm bot has beugs. The sound doesn't work anymore and I'm going to tell you what to do to solve all the bot's problems!

Sound problem with the rhythm bot?

If you're worried, you're not alone! Especially now.

To repair the sound, test everything in this video:

The video is in English but that's the best part, test every single thing he does, I've written the list just below.


If your problem persists after the tutorial.

You're in the 1% of 99% cases where it works.


If you find that Rythm isn't playing any sounds, perform the following checks in order:

1. Make sure that Rythm is not muted. If you right-click on Rythm while it is in a voice channel, make sure that the following options are unchecked:

  • Mute on server
  • and Mute

2. Make sure that Rythm's volume is not set to 0. If you right-click on Rythm while it is in a music channel, make sure that the User Volume slider is not at 0.

N.B: For donors: use the !vol command to check that the server volume has not been set to 0.

3. Disconnect from the voice channel and reconnect.

4. Check Rythm Bot server Discord by typing !prompt and selecting the Official Discord option, then checking channel #outages to see if Rythm currently has any known problems.

5. Check your output options in your Discord user settings.
User settings > Voice and video > Output device and output volume

6. Check your computer's system volume.

7. Try reconnecting Rythm to your voice channel using the !dc and !summon commands.

8. Try changing your server region several times until you find a region where Rythm plays music.
Server settings > Overview > Server region

9. Make sure that the music is not interrupted. You can check this by using the !pause function. If the bot responds with "The player is already paused", use !resume to restart the music.

10. Invite Rhythm to a voice channel, and while it's still on the channel, delete the channel. Then create a new voice channel and try playing the new channel's music.

11. Try calling Rythm from another text channel.

I hope this helped 🙂


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16 comments on the discussion forum for "Repair the sound on the bot discord Rhythm."

  1. Hello,
    I installed Rythm last week, and all week it worked without issue. However, today Rythm is indicated as "disconnected" and no way to connect it.
    As a result, it does not respond to any commands.
    I kicked it out and reinstalled it, but it comes back disconnected.
    Similarly, I tested on another discord, it works without problem.

    In short, if there is a way to give me a hand...
    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hello, I have a problem with Rhythm. I tried what you said but the sound still doesn't work. My friends on the server can hear the bot but I can turn the sound off, put it back on, switch voice channels with the bot, it still doesn't work with me.

    If you know how I can solve this problem, can you tell me please?
    Thanks in advance

  3. 1441hello 41
    I have installed the bot rhythm for 3 days it was still working last night and I reconnected and it is offline and does not respond to any command and moreover I have tested the different points if above but nothing works


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