How do I calculate how many months or weeks pregnant I am?

Pregnancy is a very important stage in a woman's life. However, there are a number of steps to take to ensure the baby's good health. Indeed, when a woman becomes pregnant, there are many habits to avoid or follow. These include: stopping smoking or drinking alcohol, keeping ultraviolet rays away from the womb, eating healthier, getting plenty of rest and many more.

But before you do, it's essential to know how many weeks pregnant you are. That way, you'll be better able to follow the different stages of your pregnancy.

(Picture illustration of the different stages of pregnancy. Image taken via the Internet.)
(Pictorial illustration of the different stages of pregnancy).

If you just found out if you are pregnant, you may immediately want to know how many months you are. Indeed, impatience can prevail. Fortunately, it is quite possible to know how many weeks you are. It is important to note that to simplify the calculation, we will use weeks. To calculate how many weeks you are, you can choose from these data:

  • The duration of amenorrhea ;
  • The design date ;
  • L'ultrasound.

Taking into account the duration of amenorrhea

In principle, a pregnancy lasts about 41 weeks from the first day of your last period. So knowing this date will give you an idea of how many weeks you're at. In fact, to calculate your due date, you can just add 41 weeks. on the first day of your last menstrual period.

Thanks to the design date

In order to conceive a baby, the sperm would have to meet the egg during ovulation. Thus, the date of conception had to occur within plus or minus 3 days of the date of ovulation.

If your cycle lasts 28 days, ovulation took place on the day. So if you know the exact date of conception, you can just add 39 weeks to find your CCA. It's important to note that the date of conception only allows you to find the DPA.

By performing an ultrasound scan

If you have an irregular period, or if you can't remember the first day of your last period, all you have to do is go for an ultrasound. Indeed, during the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to have an overview of the growth of the fetus. As a result, it will also be able to determine how many weeks you are. And besides, this method is counted among the most reliable.

It is very important to note that if your calculation differs from gestational age there's nothing to worry about. Many factors could influence the calculation result. So, by calculating how many weeks you're at, you'll be able to work out the average using the methods mentioned above. As far as DPA is concerned, try to add two weeks in advance of the date scheduled for your preparation.

Why is it important to know your week of pregnancy?

Every stage of pregnancy requires special medical care to ensure your well-being and that of your child. However, this medical monitoring is carried out at specific times. So to make sure you don't miss these follow-up periods and your medical check-ups, don't forget to refer to the week of your pregnancy.

In short, to inform you about the steps followed and the medical examinations to be carried out throughout your pregnancy, read the following.

Medical visits

To carry out the medical visits, you must consult a health professional to make sure that you do not have any health problems.

  • During the 12 weeksyou need to make an initial visit;
  • Between the 12 to 30 weeksVisits should be scheduled every 4 to 6 weeks;
  • During the 31st week to 36 weeks, Visits are spaced 2 to 3 weeks apart;
  • To the Week 37The visit will take place every week until the DPA.

How is the medical follow-up carried out?

The tour generally begins with a series of questions about your health and family history. This will enable the professional to determine any genetic chronic diseases or other pathologies such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

At your first appointment, the healthcare professional you have been referred to will perform a full review. This involves determining your weight, blood pressure and height. In addition to this crucial information, you will undergo other essential gynecological examinations.

For other medical visits, the specialist will also check your weight and vital signs. At this point, he determines your blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse. He also checks the growth of the fetus and its current position.

What are the tests to perform?

During your pregnancy, you will need to take blood tests and have urinalysis. Throughout the weeks of your pregnancy, your midwife will also perform a prenatal screening test and ultrasound scans on several occasions. These examinations will determine :

  • Your blood group and any HR incompatibility;
  • Traces of diabetes;
  • The presence of infectious diseases;
  • Cervical cancer.

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