How to play Hero Wars on your PC?

Hero Wars is a game available on PC and on almost all platforms: IOS and Android for some time. The game offers a free version on PC. The advantage of this game is that it is possible to play the game for free without installing it on your computer. In this text, we are going to tell you a little more about how to play Hero Wars on your PC?

To play the game for free, click here directly:

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Hero Wars
Image taken from internet

What is Hero Wars?

Hero Wars is a free role-playing game designed by Greg Stafford and published by Nexters Global. The game is available on almost all platforms: PC, IOS, Android. To be clearer, Hero Wars is an action game on a rather heroic-fantasy universe. There are several levels to pass in the game. For your information, the game has been in place since 2003.

How is the game going?

In Hero Wars, you are going to get a free daily chest to open. The chest contains rewards for upgrading characters. To be more effective, you must do quests on a daily basis in order to collect life points. Also consider collecting new heroes. Also complete several missions to unlock new powers.

On Hero Wars, there are several game modes. For example, you can carry out PVE-type combat, that is to face opponents one against one during PVP battles. Train your avatars to boost their skills. Also use the bonuses collected to make them even more powerful. You can also add friends to your team according to your choice. You can then create a guild and engage in online battles against enemies around the world. If you face boss, you become more and more powerful. Then, this fight will allow you to win rare items and equipment. All levels of the game allow you to gain experience.

Thus, train your troops and together you will eliminate all the threats of the fantasy kingdom. The titans will be your best allies on your battlefield. Consider unlocking them. If you want to improve every day, watch small daily videos. A team can consist of 5 characters. The advantage is that it is possible to choose heroes with unique abilities. Then embark on expeditions and discover new empires to conquer. Gather your team and improve your stats continuously to reach the top.

What do gamers think about Hero Wars?

Since the publishers are offering a free version for the Hero Wars PC game. Gamers have not failed to express their opinions about the game. Most gamers say that Hero Wars is a very good game. However, for the free version, gamers have complained. Others mention that the mini games offered in the pub are only available on the first levels of the game. But these are not the games. Although it is free, the information is lacking. Other reviewers also mention that to have extra features they have to pay a bit more. The free version doesn't cover everything gamers want. The advantage of expressing your opinion on the game is that the publishers are present on the forums. As a result, they advance their explanations so that gamers can be reassured.

Experience the game features:

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