How to play Lost Ark in Belgium?

It is possible to play Lost Ark in Belgium!

Little news for Lost Ark players living in Belgium, you can play the game despite the restrictions.

For some living in Belgium, it is forbidden to play Lost Ark. Because Lost Ark is not distributed in Belgium and the Netherlands. It is because of the regulations all in-game purchases which are possible but which are totally random.

You can use VPNs but beware Steam and Amazon prohibit it!

Go through Amazon to buy the game?

So if you want to install the game from its countries, the only way that has been found for the moment is:

You can ask someone in another country to buy it for you and you will be able to enter the code without any problem! (You can already try to quote yourself but if Amazon purchase impossible, you will have to ask a friend in France for example).

This way you will be able to install the game which is blocked in Belgium.


Do you have Amazon Prime?

If you have Amazon Prime you can collect bonus rewards on the Lost Ark game.

Don't have Amazon Prime? You can test it for free for 3 months:


This page helped you to play Lost Ark? Don't hesitate to comment 🙂 And don't forget that with Amazon Prime you have a free sub on Twitch!



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