Technique to find a nether fortress in Minecraft

To remember:

  1. Nether fortresses, added in Minecraft version 1.9, are essential for accessing game elements such as potions and heavy armor, found exclusively in these structures composed of Nether bricks.
  2. To find a fortress, you need to prepare your equipment properly, use a surveyor to cross the lava more quickly, and follow a precise search route using a map.
  3. To locate fortresses, observe the dark-red brick structures on the Z axis and use controls to help you find them.

Minecraft is one of the most-played games in the world. Today, the fortresses of the Nether have been officially added to Minecraft in version 1.9. They are considered a preferred access point for players looking to get closer to mid-game features such as potions or heavy armor.

The fortresses are entirely composed of a variety of brick blocks of the Nether and are one of the only places to find specific hostile mobs. Discover the different techniques for finding a Nether fortress in Minecraft on this page.

Here's a table illustrating the different parts of a Nether fortress:

Last name Description Image
Pillars These are the Nether brick pillars that support the fortress.


Nether fortress in Minecraft
Corridor Corridors are brick passageways in the Nether. They lead to a staircase, an intersection, a room, or a cul-de-sac. You'll see windows (1 square wide by 2 high) made of Nether brick barriers, and chests scattered throughout.
Intersection 3 or 4 corridors start from these intersections
Stairs Staircases can have steps of varying lengths
Room with lava well In the middle of this room is a 5-block-deep lava pit.
Blazes generator room This room (sometimes "open-air") has a Blaze generator at its center, often surrounded by a low, one-block-high Nether brick wall, topped by Nether brick barriers. You may find several such rooms in a single fortress.
Nether wart room You'll find two Nether wart plantations (2*6 squares each) on soul sand on either side of a staircase.
Nether fortress in Minecraft
Image to illustrate the Nether Fortress in Minecraft

Looking into the Nether

How do I find a Nether fortress? Start by looking in the Nether. This tip is just a formality. Indeed, some people might not know that looking in the Nether is necessary.

To access Nether, you must create a portal and prepare your equipment before entering :

  1. Form the portal with 10 or more obsidian blocks.
  2. Prepare the necessary equipment (sword, armor, bow, arrows, picks, enchantments and various resources) for your survival in this dimension.
  3. Be prepared to face danger, for this hellish dimension is made up of more and more dangerous creatures.

Use a surveyor to cross the lava

The Nether dimension is a dimension where the washer and the fire so you need to complete your fortress search as quickly as possible. To save time, use a surveyor during your search.

So you need this equipment:

  • Surveyor;
  • A saddle ;
  • A fishing rod;
  • Biscornus mushrooms.

Surveyors are able to cross lava faster during a ride. To ride a surveyor, you need to equip it with a saddle. You need the fishing rod to suspend the biscornu mushroom to move surveyors in the desired direction once in the Nether. Take a map with you to help you find your way in and out. This technique isn't foolproof all the time, but it's effective nonetheless.

Clearly identify the structure and the strip axis

  • Fortresses sometimes tend to appear in bands on the Z axis. If you've found some, there's a good chance you'll find more. Continue your search along an axis. Even if you haven't found a fortress yet, the search axis is generally north-south. If so, continue your search on the east-west axis. You'll need a map to keep you on the right track.
  • On the other hand, look for structures whose colored blocks stand out. Nether fortresses are built of dark red bricks, called Nether brick. So you need to know how to spot this structure. You need to know the commands to do it.

The nether fortress, also known as the bastion, is a remarkable structure found in some Nether biomes, featuring imposing pillars and unique architecture.

In general, you will need to find a Nether fortress to gain access to a night vision potion. However, if you are attacked, use the warts of the Void that you've found inside to obtain night vision potions. You'll also need to find other fortresses for a better experience.

Find out how to make circles in Minecraft to go further in this game. Do you have any other problems with this game? Feel free to respond in the comments.

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