Down the masks Fortnite, dance Fortnite

Down the masks Fortnite

Welcome to the first dance explain.

First, here's a video of the dance off the mask, made in game inventory Fortnite.

Dance video

There are also 1-hour videos on this music and dance, if you want tell me in the comments and I'll pass it on.

Picture in the dance game

Here's the in-game image of the dance, colored blue to signify rarity = rare but read more below.

Dance information: Drop the masks

Released During: Season 4
Price: Tier 26 Battle Pass
Category : Emote
Dance rarity: Rare
Description : There's no shame in dancing.
Orange Justice -> Justice Orange translated into French
English description: It's also a great exercise move -> It's also an excellent exercise.

As you can see, the translation is completely different and irrelevant!

How to obtain Drop the masks currently ?

No longer available for sale.

Origin of the dance down the masks

Background music: Normally the music corresponds to Mask off by Future

The dance originates from:

A viral video from 2015, a guy dressed in a red tee shirt climbs onto a wooden table (the one in the park, and starts dancing to this music and everyone laughs). At the end he falls off the table (which is why it went viral).

The background music in the video is Mask off by Future.

The video lasts 16 seconds and Epic Game was inspired by it.

If you want me to add the video, tell me in a comment with an e-mail so I can contact you when the video is online!


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