Doom tower, beat boss: Magma Dragon

Doom tower, beat the boss: Kuldath, the magma dragon

A guide to give you some tips for beating: Kuldath, the magma dragon

The skills of Kuldath, the magma dragon

Kuldath, the magma dragon


A1: Mark of Weakness

Attacks 1 enemy. Reduces the target's turn counter by 50%.

Targets enemies under [Curse] debuffs.

A2: Hyper-Combustion

Attacks all enemies. Instantly activates any [HP Burn] debuff on each target, and reduces the duration of these [HP Burn] debuffs by one turn.

A3: Fanning the Flames

Attacks all enemies. Places a [HP Burn] debuff for 3 turns, then steals 10% from the Turn Meter from each enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff.

Also places a [Spell] debuff for 4 turns on the enemy with the lowest HP. This debuff cannot be resisted or blocked.

Passive: Deadly Lava

Instantly places a debuff of [Spell] for 4 turns on an enemy whenever it has a debuff of [Spell] removed. Ignores [Damage Block], [Shield] and [Invincible] buffs and 100 % of DEF when attacking enemies with a [Spell] debuff.

Instantly removes all [HP Burn] debuffs placed on Kuldath and replaces them with a [Continuous Healing] buff of 15% for 2 turns.

Passive: Invincible Scales

Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Skill cooldown block], [Fear], [Absolute Fear] and [Spell] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange, HP balancing and cooldown-increasing effects.

Passive: Terrible Force

The damage of skills based on the enemy's MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss's MAX HP during a boss attack.


Tips and tricks to beat Kuldath:

This boss is the simplest!

For beginners, take your best champions and you'll be on your way. For those who start to get stuck on it, there's a TIPS: It can be provocative!

So take a champion who can be taunted and he will do his A1 on this champion.


Otherwise, not much else to say. He's not hard to beat.


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