2 Raid Shadow Legends accounts to be won on July 9

2 Raid Shadow Legends Accounts to Win on July 9, 2020!

Hey, for the 6 years of streaming I will save 2 accounts Raid Shadow Legends !

As a reminder it is forbidden to sell or buy a Plarium account, the fact of give an account is "authorized" (more accepted than authorized).

So the 2 accounts to be won are donated by two of my viewers who stop the game.

The first account = an account with 1 000€ to spend on it, to buy full energy and pack but almost no shine pack so there's a lot of food but not a lot of Super Champion. I'll put the screenshots below.

The second account = a Super Big Account! Here's the screen below. For your information the winner will be invited in one of our 6 clans. And he'll get the help he needs to do maximum damage to the BDC.

How did you get involved?

You have to follow TWITCH : https://www.twitch.tv/alucare_v2.

And being on the Discord (the winner will have to contact me in MP discord): https://alucare.fr/discord

After taking a poll, the second account will have more chance of being won by subs on twitch, (I can't giveaway only for subs but I can increase the percentage chance of winning for subs).

Raid Shadow Legends accounts to win.

First account:

Account where everyone can participate to get the account (you'll have to be follow to the chain minimum):

Champions screen:

Screen 2 Account 1 rsl champion

Screen 4 Chamber rsl of account 1

Screen 3 Chamber rsl of account 1

Number of books:

number of books rsl

  • 13 rare
  • 20 epics
  • 20 legends (excellent!)

What needs to be improved on the account:

You'll need to review all the stuff on the champions, then make the dragon 20. In the great hall, take precision magic, but for the arena, make sure that the zargala plays before the dragon 20. kael.

 Second account:

This account can be won by anyone BUT subs will have a much greater chance of winning it (chance multiplied by 15).

Champions screen:

Shadow Legends Raid Account Screen

Room 1

bedroom 2

bedroom 3



Number of books:

  • 38 rare (35 because I book the paragon)
  • 2 epic
  • 0 legendary

Other :

  • 4,000 energies available

What needs to be improved on the account:

You'll just have to play ^^. FYI if the nightmare campaign isn't done: Use parangon. Don't eat the 2 CF in the room, it can still be useful to destroy the spider quickly.

Winner bonus:

The winner will also receive an invitation to one of our 6 clans. We will offer help for him to take the account in hand :).



Other giveaways?

Depending on the number of participants, I'll probably do a giveaway of the daily gems. So share a lot!

If we reach 2,000 follows, there will be 540 X5 gems to be won every month on the stream and on discord.



Thanks to all those who will share. To those who are always present or most often available on my streams. It's always a real pleasure to be able to stream in front of so many people and chat. I hope my advice helps you progress. For those who don't know, I do full review streams every Sunday.


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