Review request form.

Review/Coaching/Help request form on RSL.

Error message when sending? You can leave a comment at the bottom of the page or PM me on discord to let me know!

    An error message when sending?
    If so, you can send your review request to the email address: or on discord: ALUCARE#0010


    Error message when sending? You can leave a comment at the bottom of the page or PM me on discord to let me know!

    Why I ask if paid review:

    • Because paid reviews are done privately on discord during the week. Whereas free reviews are done on Sundays on Twitch. So I have to get organized with my schedule.

    Help filling out the form:

    If you don't know what to check or answer.

    Know what to do on your account:

    • I'll come over to your account and tell you what I'll be doing, for example focusing on such-and-such a dungeon, making such-and-such a compo for such-and-such a dungeon. Give you a few missions if you're lost.

    Stuff one of your champions:

    • I will come to your account to stuff one of your champions

    Stuff a whole team:

    • I'll stuff your whole team, for example I've made you a drake 20 team, I'll stuff it for you later.

    Sorts of your artifacts:

    • I come to your account to sort your artifacts to sell all the artifacts that will be useless for your progress.
    • More advanced artifact sorting (or editing Level 8 artifacts to test procs is possible)


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    10 commentaires on "Review request form."

    1. Great Service. Very patient. Thank you for the Review and it allowed me to better understand the mechanics of the game. Thank you for your help. I'm going to go do my homework now 🙂

    2. thank you for getting me out of the impasse in the arena, it's great to have another perspective. Your explanations are always very clear and the report in pm is great 🙂


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