Warlock guide and advice on Lost Ark

Demonist's guide and advice on Lost Ark

Written by : Mundr Tribe


Welcome to this guide to the demonist, one of the classes in the assassin archetype.
Let's start with the basics: the demonist, as her name suggests, has the option of transforming into a demon via her utility. She'll have an engraving for this - "Demonic Impulse" - but she'll also have another engraving that allows her to remain in human form - "Perfect Suppression" - but we'll come back to that a little later.

Being an assassin, the demonist's gameplay will be dynamic, requiring you to be on your back on a regular basis. From a sturdiness point of view, she'll require a certain skill and an understanding of boss. She has a medium armor ratio, which means you'll be able to take very few hits before having to use a potion or call your support. To make things a little more concrete, here's the table:


Its utility allows you to accumulate chaotic energy, which will either transform you or increase your damage depending on your engravure.

Important information about this utility: you have a "fatigue" mode which means that for a certain period of time you will no longer be able to recover chaotic energy. This fatigue appears at the end of your transformation.

ENGRAVURE 1: Demonic drive

Demonic Pulsion is the engraving that will enable you to have a gameplay based around your demonic form. Its human form will do very little damage, but once transformed you'll become a true demon capable of rivaling your opponent. To do this, you'll need to use demonic spells to increase your ability to transform.

the buff of this engraving is 0/15/30% critical strike and you will no longer have the fatigue effect.

Here's a build and an explanation, but don't forget that the predefined builds can be changed as you wish. Nevertheless, some spells will be more or less mandatory depending on the update or boss you launch, so keep an eye out for new patches so you can modify your spells in real time.


  • spell 1: Lightning cast is a dash, often present so that you can position yourself between the front and rear of the boss, depending on the spell you need to use.
  • Spell 2: enhance is an attack best performed from the back. You will channel your two daggers to create an explosion.
  • Spell 3: Fetranian claws is an attack to be performed preferably against boss, it will be your counter
  • Spell 4: Cracked blade is an attack best performed from the back, where you summon two demonic hands to perform a destructive attack.
  • Spell 5: death ray is an attack to be carried out with no preference, you channel a ray, be careful however you become vulnerable during this time, choose your moment carefully.
  • spell 6: hunting game is an attack to be carried out with no preference, you summon a hand that leaves in a straight line.
  • Spell 7: terrifying roar is an attack that should preferably be performed from the back. Your demon lets out a scream that frightens its enemy, but be careful! The scream doesn't work on every creature in the game. It's also your 1st spell to add a 12% damage buff on the target for 6 seconds at level 10 (group bonus).
  • Spell 8: fury attack, best performed from the back, summons a demonic hand

these are the spells when you're in human form, I'm now going to introduce you to the spells in demonic form.

Disastrous onslaught is an attack to be carried out with no preference, you have a slight dash following several attacks.

Merciless reprisal is an attack best performed against boss. It's your counter in demonic form, where you deliver two heavy claws.

Great explosion is an attack to be carried out with no preference, you release a chaotic wave.

falling star is an attack to be performed with no preference, this spell gives you a fairly substantial jump.

Bloody harvest is an attack to be performed with no preference, this spell is an aoe

As you can see, the Demonic Pulsion demonist has a group debuff, and once transformed, she can be a great asset to your team.

I'd like to add what you could have in the way of runes: it's important to understand that your transformed spells must be the most buff to optimize your damage.

Let's move on to the combat statistic to be prioritized:
You have 2 options!

  • Special 70% / 30
  • Spec 70% / 30% speed

Spec will increase your chaotic energy generation, cc will allow you to do more damage, speed will increase your speed and reduce your spell recharge time.

ENGRAVING 2: perfect deletion

This engraving totally changes the way you play the class: you can no longer transform, but in return you increase your damage in human form.
20%/25%/30% increased spell damage and 50% chaotic energy generation.

Here's a build and an explanation, but don't forget that the predefined builds can be changed as you wish. Nevertheless, some spells will be more or less mandatory depending on the update or boss you launch, so keep an eye out for new patches so you can modify your spells in real time.

  • spell 1: Lightning cast is a dash, often present so that you can position yourself between the front and rear of the boss, depending on the spell you need to use.
  • spell 2: a circular saw is an attack to be carried out without any preference, you gain 20% of movement speed, you send your weapons which will make a return trip, small information: even if you move the weapons do not follow you.
  • Spell 3: enhance is an attack best performed from the back, where you channel your two daggers to create an explosion.
  • spell 4: Ruthless liquidation is an attack that must be performed from the back. It's a combo spell, which means you'll have to hold down the key for it to be fully animated.
  • spell 5: Desperate breakthrough is an attack that should preferably be carried out from the back.
  • Spell 6: Fetranian claws is an attack to be performed preferably against boss, it will be your counter
  • Spell 7: terrifying roar is an attack that should preferably be performed from the back. Your demon lets out a scream that frightens its enemy, but be careful! The scream doesn't work on every creature in the game. It's also your 1st spell to add a 12% damage buff on the target for 6 seconds at level 10 (group bonus).
  • Spell 8: fury attack, best performed from the back, summons a demonic hand


I'd like to add a few more rune-level spells. This time you'll be focusing on your classic spells.

Let's move on to the combat statistic to be prioritized:

  •  cc 70% / 30% speed

The cc will allow you to do more damage, the rapidity will increase your speed and reduce the recharge time of your spells.


As you can see, the perfect suppression demonist has a group buff and constant damage, making her a great asset to your team.



That's all for this guide. Feel free to consult the other guides on the site, and if you'd like to join us, you can go to


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