How to fix a bug in your Windows taskbar?

It often happens that your computer encounters certain bugs, especially at the level of the taskbar. The computer can be the source of these bugs: the RAM for example, the processor, etc. The computer may also be infected with viruses. There are several ways you can undertake to fix your taskbar bug issues. In this article, let's discover together, how to fix a bug in your Windows taskbar?

This explanatory video will show you in detail the steps to follow to solve a bug in your Windows taskbar:

What's the easiest way to fix a bug in your taskbar?

The best way to fix a bug in your Windows taskbar is to restart Windows Explorer through Task Manager. Here are the steps to follow to do this:

  • First, press the keys, Ctrl+ Alt+ Del or right-click on your taskbar at the bottom of the screen;

task Manager

  • Then, on the Process window that appears, scroll down until you find the Windows Explorer tab;

Windows explorer

  • Click the Restart button, or right-click on the task and select Restart to go faster;

To restart

  • Normally, once these steps are completed, the bug will be resolved in a hurry.

There are still other methods to solve your bug problems, to go faster, go through the easiest.

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