Raid Digest: October 2021, information RSL

Raid Digest: October 2021, information on RSL

The Raid Digest gives information on what is happening on RSL.

Image from raid Digest October 2021
See our article "Raid Digest: October 2021, RSL information" for detailed information on this subject.

Translation of the Raid Digest:

Well, those two weeks have been pretty intense. Guys, take some time to relax, take a tea break, and let's go on a soothing journey with Raid Digest.


Security of your account:

And what better way to start our relaxing journey than with an emergency announcement from our support team:

As most of you know, we have recently seen an increase in the number of cases of hijacked accounts. While our support team tirelessly checks and reports these accounts to their owners, we also employ a different system to combat this issue. If your account's security is compromised by suspicious activity, the new system automatically blocks it so the "hacker" doesn't have a chance to attack your business. When affected by this block, when attempting to connect, you will see an in-game notification: Reason: “Investigation. Contact the support team”.
After receiving this message, please create an official ticket, and our support specialists will contact you as soon as they are available.

Also, please be careful about your personal information. The support specialist will only contact you after you create a ticket and will have Plarium's email domain.

The duplicate system:

With that being said, let's move on to our next topic. We want to answer some of the most common questions about our recent "Duplicate Champions" walkthrough video.

What champions will be added to the store? Will there only be fusion champions? What if you already have all the champions?

The starting line for champions in the store will be the one shown in the video. In general, we're guided by our internal data on "what content is popular or difficult" and "which champions are useful for it, yet not so common among players." Over time, we may modify the champions available in the store, so that the offer remains diverse and relevant. Of course, by being notified in advance of these changes.

How will the additional stats of the Ring of Guardian and Champion Clearance be added? Will they change champion base stats?

Stat bonuses from these traits will not affect champion base stats. They will work the same way as the Great Hall bonuses.

What happens if you get rid of a Champion in the first Faction Guardian slot? Does that mean everyone else becomes locked again?

The short answer: Yes. However, the feature's visual aid will also indicate which bonuses are currently active and which were disabled after removal.

Will there be more space to store champions?

It will not be a surprise, but yes! We will increase the number of slots available for new heroes.
This is just a small clarification on some issues. More details will be available closer to the game's release.*

(we hope for a cheaper price on the seats…)


FYI: 3 refill + 5 ancient shards + 1 void shard + 200 multi-battles + 500k silver + 2 bdc key.

(not bad but misses the arena.)

The next point in this Raid Digest is one of the Raiders' favorite words: Offsets.
First, we apologize for the recent issues with the server. The problem was caused by third-party software on the server side. We know the cause and are working on a fix to prevent it from happening again. As is traditional in such cases, we have prepared appropriate compensation!

Thanks to you, Raiders, for your patience and support, and a special thanks to the server team for their quick response and all the oil burned at midnight to resolve the issue.

The next is about the disappearance of Clan Boss chests a few days ago. We haven't forgotten about you guys. While most other event-related issues have been resolved by the recent patch, the CB Chest is a different beast, so for any raiders affected by this bug, there will be separate compensation at a later date.

The last thing is the concern about personal rewards in the Clan vs. Clan tournament. As you know, the next tournament will take place on October 26, and the division into Tiers will be based on your performance in the last tournament (started on October 12). Ranking in personal reward tiers is similar to the Clan vs. Clan tournament. All players will be divided based on their individual performance against other players.

Your clan must win the tournament to get your personal reward, so good luck everyone.

That's all we have for today.
Have a great weekend, and watch our FB page carefully. You might notice a little something.




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