What does Snapchat pending mean?

Snapchat has managed to occupy a special place in social communications, especially among younger users. This social network is appreciated for its highly original functionalities, such as instant content which volatilize and trendy visual effects.

The extraordinary functionality of this application certainly surpasses the standards of social networking platforms, but it can also take time to learn how to use it. If you'd like to increase your Snap scoreFind out how it works and what tips you can use to make it happen.

And don't worry if your messages don't leave right away. We'll explain the meaning of "on hold" and help you identify the source of your message blocking on Snapchat, so you can better find the solution.

Image illustrating the use of Snapchat
Image to illustrate the launch of Snapchat on Android

What it means when a message is waiting on Snapchat

When a message is waiting, there will be a small grey arrow icon next to it. This means that it is still waiting to be sent. Here are the most common explanations:

A very weak internet signal

The most common reason for problems with social networking apps is poor Internet connectivity. Your browsing in Snapchat's app will therefore be disrupted, if this is the case. Especially as you need more mobile data to use it. Try restarting your phone so that your message can be sent.

The correspondent has not yet accepted your request to be added to his friends list.

Another classic explanation for pending status on Snapchat is that your correspondent hasn't included you in his or her friends list. By default, themessage exchange is blocked until both users have accepted each other as friends. If you're not yet friends on Snapchat, a notification informing you that "your snaps and chats will be suspended until the user adds you as a friend" will appear in your message log.

The correspondent has blocked you.

If your correspondent has blocked you on Snapchat, your message has been sent on the platform, but has not reached its destination. As soon as your messages are waiting, check the recipient's profile directly. If they've blocked you, you can no longer view the contents of your account.

The correspondent is no longer on Snapchat.

If your correspondent has left Snapchatthe content sent will be put on hold. In this case, your message has been transmitted to the platform's servers. On Snapchat, data from deactivated accounts is permanently deleted after 30 days, if no attempt is made to reconnect. Your correspondent's name will then disappear from your friends list. You will no longer see the pending notification in your message log.

How to Fix Snapchat Messages Pending Status?

From what has been mentioned, it is essential to :

  • See the status of your connection before chatting with someone on this application, given its considerable data consumption which requires a Internet access very good quality.
  • Check that the correspondent has accepted your request to add in his or her friends list and that he or she is connected to the platform. To find out whether your correspondent has accepted you as a friend, simply consult their chat option.
  • Check that the recipient always uses the. If he hasn't logged on to Snapchat for a while, it's perfectly normal that he hasn't seen your request to be added to his friends list.

Take advantage of this free photo and video sharing application. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Snapchat promises authentic communication, so talk to your friends, watch and share stories. Apart from Snapchat, what other social networks do you use every day?

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