Recognize a Strength, Spirit, Magic, or Void Champion

How to recognize a Strength, Spirituality, Magic or Void champion?

Since the Battle Pass, many new players have been trying to figure out how to recognize champions of the following types: strength, magic, spiritual and nothingness.
To make it simple below I will put the image of a character of each with the colors.


magic = blue

Strength = red

Spiritual = green

None = violet

spiritual strength championMagic Champions:

The magic champions are blue in color and have a blue fireball as their logo:

strength champion

For information, it is strong against spiritual champions (+ damage, +15% critical chance), but less strong against force champions (- damage, -15% critical chance, 35% weak hit chance (a weak hit does less damage and does not set debuff)).

Strength Champions:

The force champions are red in color with a red skull and crossbones logo:

strength champion

For information, they are strong against magic champions (+ damage, +15% critical chance), but less strong against spiritual champions (- damage, -15% critical chance, 35% weak hit chance (a weak hit does less damage and doesn't set debuff)).

Spiritual Champions:

The spiritual champions are green in color, with a green lightning bolt as their logo:

spiritual champion

For information, they are strong against strength champions (+ damage, +15% critical chance), but less strong against magic champions (- damage, -15% critical chance, 35% weak hit chance (a weak hit does less damage and doesn't set a debuff)).

The champions of Void :

The champions of nothingness are purple in color with a purple triangle as their logo:

nil champion

They have no weakness, tap and receive damage as if they were of the same affinity as the target or attacker.

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