Blademaster, synergies/bonuses and information

Blademaster Synergy information.

Bonus Blademaster TFT ChampionsBlademaster power.

Blademasters have a 35% chance of hitting overtime with each attack.

Bonus depending on the number:

  • 3 = 1 additional attack
  • 6 = 2 additional attacks
  • 9 = 4 additional attacks


List of champions with the Blademaster bonus :

  • Camille (1 gold)
  • Fiora (1 gold)
  • Shen (2 gold)
  • Aatrox (3 gold)
  • Gangplank (3 gold)
  • Draven (4 gold)
  • Yasuo (5 gold)

Bonus Blademaster TFT Champions

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