Artifact launcher and mastery guide - Raid Shadow Legends

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Last name Flinger
Review  Read Alucare's review of : Launcher
Masteries  Mastery for : Launcher
Blessing Graces for : Launcher
Guide masteries, grace and artifact on Launcher (Flinger) on RSL
Image of the champion: Launcher (Flinger) on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Flinger
FACTION: Lizardmen
Rarity: Rare
ROLE: Attack

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 13050
Attack (ATK): 1266
Defense (DEF): 892
Speed (SPD): 104
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 57%
Resistance (RESIST): 30
Accuracy (ACC): 0

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆
Faction Crypt:☆☆☆☆
Arena defense:☆☆☆☆
Arena attack:☆☆☆☆
Clan Boss:☆☆☆
Hydra :☆☆☆☆


Minotaur's Labyrinth :☆☆☆
Spider's lair:☆☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :☆☆☆☆
The dragon's lair:☆☆☆
Ice Golem Peak:☆☆☆
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :☆☆☆☆
Demon Necropolis:☆☆☆☆
Shogun Wood:☆☆☆


Magma Dragon:
Frost Spider:
Nether Spider (poison):
Scarab :

(Doom Tower)

Eternal Dragon:
Griffon :
Dark Fairy :
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =

Alucare's review of: Launcher (Flinger)

What I advise you on the champion:

Not to mount it

I will use it in:
  • Nowhere
Use for :
  • His "Utility" debuffs (Break Def, Atq, Accuracy, etc.)
When to use the champion (Playtime): Champion to ride 6*:
  • Nope
Champion you can book:
  • Nope
Book value (skills book) and number of books :
  • Value = 1
  • Number of books = 13
Book priority (random books): Champion you can master :
  • Nope
Can I feed it:
  • Yes

Other information : If necessary, come to the streams to ask for information or on the discord: on Discord

Lexicon of RSL if you do not understand certain words: Glossary on RSL

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The Skills of : Launcher

A1 = Axe Throwing

Attack an enemy. Has a 40% chance of placing a [DEF Reduction] of 30% for 1 turn.

  • Tier 2: Damage +5%
  • Tier 3: Damage +5%
  • Level 4: Damage +5%
  • Level 5: Damage +5%
  • Level 6: Damage +10%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 3

A2 = Meteor | CD = 3 turns

Attack all enemies.

  • Tier 2: Damage +5%
  • Tier 3: Damage +5%
  • Level 4: Damage +5%
  • Level 5: Damage +10%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 3

A3 = Burn | CD = 4 turns

Attack an enemy. This skill always critically hits.

  • Tier 2: Damage +5%
  • Tier 3: Damage +10%
  • Level 4: Damage +5%
  • Level 5: Damage +10%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 5.2


Increases RESISTANCE in faction crypts by 30

Which artifacts / sets for : Flinger

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for : Launcher

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Perception, Accuracy, Lifesteal, Attack

Explanatory video in French by Alucare, ideal complement to the page. View video (you can use youtube's automatic translation)

Which statistics should I look for first? Pitcher

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed, Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Attack%, Accuracy
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (Critical Rate)
    • Torso (ATK%)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (ATK)
    • Amulet (Critical Damage)
    • Banner (Accuracy)

Which masteries for Flinger

Masteries for: Arena, Dungeon, Clan Boss

Controls RSL Array for Launcher ((Flinger))

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

What grace for Flinger?

We advise you :
  • Phantom Touch Phantom Touch

History of Lanceur

How to get the launcher

We can have the champion:

  • Ancient Shard

List of buffs and debuffs for : Launcher

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • -30% Defense

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