Guide to Annaliste Adelyn artifact and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

Guide to Annaliste Adelyn equipment, grace and mastery.

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Guide to mastery, grace and artifacts on Annaliste Adelyn (Chronicler Adelyn) on RSL
Last name Chronicler Adelyn in English = (Chronicler Adelyn)
Notice  Find Alucare's opinion on : Annalist Adelyn
Masters  Masters for : Annalist Adelyn
Graces Graces for : Annalist Adelyn
Guide to mastery, grace and artifacts on Annaliste Adelyn (Chronicler Adelyn) on RSL
Champion image: Chronicler Adelyn on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Annalist Adelyn
FACTION: Banner Lords
SCARCITY: Legendary
ROLE: Support

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 19.650
Attack (ATK): 1.023
Defense (DEF): 1.255
Speed (SPD): 105
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 14%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 50%
Debuff Resistance (RES): 30
Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 19

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆☆☆
Faction Crypt:
Arena defense:☆☆☆
Arena attack:☆☆☆
Clan Boss:☆☆
Hydra :☆☆


Minotaur's Labyrinth :☆☆
Spider's lair:☆☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :☆☆
The dragon's lair:☆☆
Ice Golem Peak:☆☆
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :
Demon Necropolis:
Shogun Wood:☆☆☆


Wave Tower of Woe:☆☆
Magma Dragon:👍
Frost Spider:?
Spider of nothingness (poison):👍
Scarab :?

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :👍
Griffon :👍
Dark Fairy :
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =
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The skills of : Annalist Adelyn

A1 = Equivalent exchange

Attacks an enemy. Has 50% transfer chance 1 random debuff of this Champion on the target. Also has a 50% chance to steal 1 random buff from the target.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 3 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 5.5

A2 = Healing text | CD = 4 turns

Restores 25% of each ally's destroyed MAX HP, then heals all allies by 25% of this Champion's MAX HP.

  • Lvl. 2 Treatments +10%
  • Lvl. 3 Treatments +10%
  • Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1

A3 = Sleep Decree | CD = 5 turns

Has 75% chance of placing debuff [Sleep] on a target for 1 turn.

Also has a 75% chance of placing a debuff on the target. [VIT Reduction] 30% and a debuff [ATQ Reduction] of 50% for 2 turns. Debuffs placed by this skill will ignore debuffs placed by other skills. [Blocking Debuffs].

  • Lvl. 2 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
  • Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1
  • Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1

[P] Perceiving weakness

Allies inflict 3% more damage on targets for each debuff this Champion has placed on them.


Increases PRECISION in all battles by 60

Which artifacts / set for : Chronicler Adelyn

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for : Annalist Adelyn

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Perception, Relentless, Reflex, Guardian

Which statistics should I look for in : Annalist Adelyn

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed, PV%, DEF%
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (HP%, DEF%)
    • Torso (HP%, DEF%)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (HP, DEF)
    • Amulet (HP, DEF)
    • Banner (HP, DEF)

Which master's degrees for Chronicler Adelyn?

Masteries for: Dungeon, Clan Boss

Masters RSL Array for Chronicler Adelyn
PVE mastery everywhere

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

Which Grace for Chronicler Adelyn?

We advise you :
  • Intimidating presence (Only one per team) Intimidating presence (Only one per team)
  • Temporal Chains Temporal Chains
  • Polymorph Polymorph

History of Annaliste Adelyn

A secret society is omnipresent in every stratum of Teleria. It goes by different names in different contexts: the Guardians of the Crypt, the Keys of the Arbiter, the Brotherhood of the Golden Prism and others. Although its members operate with different system names, labyrinthine practices and complex codes, their objective is absolute: to protect the Shards, the Arbiter's supreme weapons.

Adelyn was spotted as a potential Crypt Keeper because she was a child prodigy with knowledge of history, magic and science. So remarkable was her intelligence that she was invited to the King of Kaerok's great archives to study, and granted almost unlimited access. Her avid curiosity led her to the most secure areas of the archives. Unbeknownst to her, the Crypt Keepers, pretending to be the King's official archivists, were guarding more than the King himself imagined: a cache of precious Splinters, protected by security nestled within security, in one of Teleria's most protected locations. Adelyn was fascinated to hear the disguised Crypt Keepers refer in an extremely obtuse way to a secret, using coded language. She didn't recognize the seriousness of what she was playing with.

Adelyn couldn't resist slipping in a bit of Guardian jargon in their presence, to let them know she was on their trail. The Guardians of the Crypt were stunned to find that someone had apparently deciphered part of their code, and realized that Adelyn represented either a serious threat or, potentially, a valuable ally. To determine this, the Crypt Keepers called a late-night meeting long after the archives had officially closed, knowing that Adelyn would try to spy on their When she did, half a dozen robed emissaries emerged from the shadows and surrounded her, before explaining in solemn terms that she was encroaching on a powerful mystical secret. Adelyn could not be diverted from the answers she sought. The Crypt Keepers offered her a trial before their leader, so Adelyn agreed to be blindfolded and follow them. She could never have expected to see the golden radiance of the Arbiter when the blindfold was removed.

The Arbiter declared that Adelyn needed time and discipline to mature, but that she had shown admirable initiative. She promised that Adelyn could fully satisfy her curiosity as Keeper of the Crypt if she accepted the role of Annalist, whose sacred mission was to constantly scour the world in search of lost Shards, as well as the individuals who were worthy of being contained within them. The Shards, the Arbiter admitted, represented Teleria's best hope of survival. Adelyn had heard of the Shards thanks to her phenomenal erudition, but suddenly their tangible reality and true importance became apparent. She exclaimed that she was born to be an Annalist; she could feel it in her soul. Even though she was still young, she made a firm decision for life with enthusiasm and pride.

Adelyn flourished under the guidance of the Crypt Keepers. When she was ready, she began to take on the responsibilities of an Annalist, following leads to lost Shards and untapped Shard caches. Her clues were initially provided by other Guardians, but soon by Adelyn's own discoveries. It was Adelyn's first flash of insight when she discerned among the Lizardmen's funeral song cycle, Lament of the Thousand Fallen Scales, a coded message leading to the burial cache of a large number of Shards containing the souls of heroic Lizardmen. Clues to other caches led her by boat across the Lost Isles, where she investigated weedy crypts and sea-beaten caves. Amid the ruins, she discovered representations of a Shard enclosed in a statue, but the statue had disappeared. Adelyn tracked it down to Velyzar, where it adorned the home of a wealthy professional fighter. Using resourcefulness and manipulation, Adelyn organized the theft of the statue and its replacement by a replica, so that the Shard inside the real statue could be kept safe.

Everyone began to talk about Annaliste Adelyn among the Crypt Keepers. Her ability to put the wildest beings to sleep enabled her to easily evade guards, elude enemy patrols or incapacitate those destined for a future within a Shard. If a mission required it, it turned out that Adelyn could become indisputably lethal. To help her in her investigations, she received, or discovered and kept, many magical trinkets relevant to her research. Her calamus and book are enchanted to move and transcribe Adelyn's observations on their own. If a blank page is exposed to a scene or object, the tome can be commanded to create a perfect sketch of it. The eyepiece adorning her face is not simply a fashion accessory. It's a magical analytical magnifier, capable of discerning minute details and visualizing information right before Adelyn's eyes. The excellent Annalist can determine at a glance the strengths and weaknesses of anything, information she gladly passes on to those loyal to the Arbiter.

How to get Annaliste Adelyn

You can have the champion: Antique Splinters, Sacred Splinters

List of buffs and debuff of : Annalist Adelyn

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • -50% attack, -30% speed, Sleep

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