Guurda Brassemarais artifact and mastery guide - Raid Shadow Legends

Guide and information about Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew) equipment, grace and mastery.

(For your information, pages may be updated from time to time, so bookmark them (CTRL + D) on your browser to come back quickly if you start). Mastery, grace and artifact guide on Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew) on RSL
Last name Guurda Brewmarais (Guurda Bogbrew)
Notice  Find Alucare's opinion on: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)
Masters  Masteries for: Guurda Brewemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)
Graces Pardons for: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)
Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew) masteries, grace and artifact guide on RSL
Image of the champion: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew) on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Guurda Bogbrew
FACTION: Ogryn Tribes
SCARCITY: Legendary
ROLE: Support

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 20640
Attack (ATK): 892
Defense (DEF): 1310
Speed (SPD): 97
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 50%
Debuff Resistance (RES): 40
Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 20

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆☆☆
Faction Crypt:
Arena defense:☆☆
Arena attack:☆☆
Clan Boss:
Hydra :☆☆


Minotaur's Labyrinth :
Spider's lair:☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :☆☆☆
The dragon's lair:
Ice Golem Peak:
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :☆☆☆
Demon Necropolis:☆☆
Shogun Wood:


Wave Tower of Woe:
Magma Dragon:
Frost Spider:
Spider of nothingness (poison):✔️
Scarab :👍

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :👍
Griffon :
Dark Fairy :👍
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =

Alucare's review of: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)

What I advise you on the champion:

Catastrophic? A useless champion? On paper I don't like it AT ALL, still we could have used it to put a lot of poison with 0 precision for his A2 but on his A3 he needs precision. And at this level of playing time you don't need your kit.

I will use it in: Nowhere
Use for : Its "damage" debuffs (poison, burn), ATB control (Atb reduction, speed reduction), Support (Heal, Débuff ta team, buff)
When to use the champion (Playtime): Early
Champion to ride 6*: Nope
Champion you can book: Nope
Book value (skills book) and number of books : Value = 3 and number of books = 11
Book priority (random books): A1 = Do Not Book, A2 = Do Not Book, A3 = Recommended
Champion you can master: Nope
Can I feed it: No, we never eat epic or legendary
Other information : If necessary, come to the streams to ask for information or on the discord: Discord
Lexicon of RSL if you do not understand certain words: Glossary on RSL

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Champion Skills: Guurda Bogbrew (Guurda Bogbrew)

A1 = Mama infusion

Attacks an enemy. Has a 60 % chance to apply a [Debuff Spread] which takes 1 random debuff from the target and places it on all enemies under debuff [Weakening]. Reduces the target's Turn Counter by 10 % if it is not afflicted by any debuff.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +5 %
  • Lvl. 3 Damage +5%
  • Lvl. 4 Damage +5%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 3.5

A2 = Branchmoisie decoction | CD = 4 turns

Attack all enemies. Has 80 % chance to place a debuff [Weakening25% for 2 turns. After the attack, has 80 % chance to place two debuffs [Poison] of 5 % for 2 turns on all enemies without debuff [Weakening]. It is impossible to block these debuffs [Poison. or to resist them.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10 %
  • Lvl. 4 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10 %
  • Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 4

A3 = Surprise hemlock | CD = 4 turns

Has 80 % chance to remove 1 random buff from all enemies, then 80 % chance to place two debuffs [Poison...of 5 % on all enemies for 2 turns. Also removes 2 random debuffs from all allies.

  • Lvl. 2 Buff/Debuff Chance +10 %
  • Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10 %
  • Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1

[P] Harmful vines

As soon as an enemy receives a debuff, his Turn Counter is reduced by 3 %.


Increases RESISTANCE in the arena by 65

Hero Gear / Artifact / Build Guide: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Divine Speed, Perception, Accuracy

Which statistics should I look for first: Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed, Accuracy, HP, DEF
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (HP%, DEF%)
    • Torso (HP%, DEF%, Accuracy)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (HP, DEF)
    • Amulet (HP, DEF)
    • Banner (HP, DEF, Accuracy)

Guurda Bogbrew Masteries Guide

Masteries for: Arena, Dungeon, Clan Boss

Masters RSL Array for Guurda Brassemarais ( Guurda Bogbrew )
Basic PVE Masteries

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

Grace guide for Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew), which grace to use?

We advise you :
  • Intimidating presence (Only one per team) Intimidating presence (Only one per team)
  • Lethal Dose Lethal Dose
  • Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team) Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team)

History of Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)

The Ogryn known as Guurda Brassemarais began life as the daughter of the Bouche-boyaux tribe's brewer, Gorga Double-rinée, who was responsible for concocting alcoholic beverages popular among many Ogryn tribes. It takes a lot to get most Ogryn drunk, and brewers have long been renowned for their ability to distill just about any organic matter into an alcoholic substance. Guurda followed in her mother's footsteps.

These skills came in handy for Guurda when the Bouche-boyaux were called to join a Gaellen Pact army near the Lakes of Sorrow. At first, Gorga and Guurda helped keep morale up, but an orc general took offense at a particularly turbulent episode between his warriors and the Bouche-boyaux, and the tribe was ordered to leave. Gorga demanded payment for the provisions the army had already consumed, but was refused. Even though she was furious, she saw no way of following through. Her daughter, on the other hand, had a more direct idea of retribution in mind. Young and strong-willed, Guurda poisoned the drinks of the army commanders that evening, and many of them died after the Mouth-keepers had already left. She later confessed her actions to her mother. Although she was angry at first, Gorga changed her mind. Guurda had tried to uphold the honor of the tribe of all brewers, and that's what mattered.

However, a force of outraged Orcs and Lizardmen pursued the Mouthfuls and fell upon them in a ferocious assault. In the ensuing melee, Gorga and most of the tribe were killed, while a distraught Guurda fled into the nearby marshes.

Guurda wandered alone for a long time, inconsolable and desperate. She sank deep into the Lakes of Sorrow, where she was reduced to consuming swamp flora and fauna to survive. As she began to learn more and more about the nature of the marshes, she began brewing again, but using all manner of rotting, bloated forms of moss and mud plants.

Her unnatural diet, coupled with increasingly bizarre brewing experiments, began to alter the robust Ogryn. Guurda's flabby flesh, deprived of sunlight in the swampy mists, was pale and waxy, while her innards became truly toxic, prone to releasing all manner of rot and gases. Stories of her spread throughout the Lakes of Sorrow, particularly among the Ogryn.

Eventually, one of Guurda's fellows went looking for her, one of the few Bouche-boyaux who had survived the confrontation. He told her that her mother would certainly have been proud of the new horizons she had cleared in the art of brewing, but that there was no point in remaining in the darkness and quagmire of the Lakes of Sorrow. A vast world existed beyond the swamps, and if Guurda wished to honor the memory of Gorga and the other lost Bouche-boyaux, she should venture there and seek to rebuild the tribe, as well as her family's legacy.

Inspired, and having already rediscovered the desire to master the art of brewing, Guurda agreed, ready to spread her knowledge and reform her tribe. The two Ogryn set off further into Peltas, slowly attracting a cohort of other scattered and destitute Ogryn who saw in Guurda not only a brewer, but also a leader. After several years, now called Guurda Brassemarais by her new family, she had established a caravan that traveled to every continent, providing alcohol and entertainment to Ogryn tribes and anyone else who wished to try Guurda's powerful concoctions. These were so strong that the strange blend of almost lethal elixirs consumed by Guurda miraculously prolonged his life. Even though well over two centuries have passed since she learned to brew, she is still vigorous, her Ogryn guts only strengthened by the long decades of exposure to toxic substances.

Some claim that Guurda continues what she started with the Gaellen Pact generals, spreading her poisons to the four corners of the earth, but in her defense, there's a fine line between a strong drink that liquefies the insides and real poison. Her influence over many Ogryn is strong and ever-growing, blurring the distinction between her role as brewer and tribal leader in her own right. If Guurda craves power, she's about to get it. All that's left for her to do is declare that the Bouche-boyaux have risen from the dead and are ready to reclaim their place among Ogryn's greatest tribes.

Release date :

Released 1/28/2022 as a Free Champion

How to obtain Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew)

You can have the champion: Antique Splinters, Primordial Splinters, Sacred Splinters, Daily Connection

List of Guurda Brassemarais (Guurda Bogbrew) Champion Buffs and Debuffs

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • Decay 30%, Poison 5%

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