Guide to Siphi Mariée Égarée artifact and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

Guide and information about Siphi The Lost Bride (Siphi the Lost Bride) equipment, grace and mastery.

(For your information, pages may be updated from time to time, so bookmark them (CTRL + D) on your browser to come back quickly if you start). Mastery, grace and artifact guide to Siphi the Lost Bride on RSL
Last name Siphi the Lost Bride
Notice  Find Alucare's opinion on: Siphi The Lost Bride (Siphi the Lost Bride)
Masters  Masteries for: Siphi the Lost Bride
Graces Pardons for: Siphi the Lost Bride
Siphi the Lost Bride Mastery, Grace and Artifact Guide on RSL
Image of the champion: Siphi The Lost Bride (Siphi the Lost Bride) on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Siphi the Lost Bride
FACTION: Undead Hordes
SCARCITY: Legendary
ROLE: Support

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 21480
Attack (ATK): 859
Defense (DEF): 1288
Speed (SPD): 114
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 50%
Debuff Resistance (RES): 40
Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 0

Battle of the

Campaign :
Faction Crypt:
Arena defense:
Arena attack:
Clan Boss:
Hydra :


Minotaur's Labyrinth :
Spider's lair:
Castle of the Fire Knight :
The dragon's lair:
Ice Golem Peak:
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :
Demon Necropolis:
Shogun Wood:☆☆


Wave Tower of Woe:
Magma Dragon:✔️
Frost Spider:✔️
Spider of nothingness (poison):✔️
Scarab :👍

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :✔️
Griffon :✔️
Dark Fairy :✔️
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =

Alucare's review of: Siphi The Lost Bride

What I advise you on the champion:

To climb it 6*. You will use it everywhere, play fast with high HP and DEF. Resistance as you progress through the game.

I will use it in: Arena, Campaign (farm), Clan Boss, Faction Crypt, Dragon, Spider, Ice Golem, Fire Knight, Wave Doom Tower, Molten Dragon, Scarab, Frost Spider, Nether Spider (poison), Eternal Dragon , Griffin, Bommal, Dark Fairy, Hydra, Iron Twins, Demon Necropolis
Use for : Control Debuff (Stun, Freeze, etc...), Boost ATB, Rez, Support (Heal, Debuff your team, buff)
When to use the champion (Playtime):
Champion to ride 6*: Yes
Champion you can book: Yes
Book value (skills book) and number of books : Value = 10 and number of books = 10
Book priority (random books):
Champion you can master: Yes
Can I feed it: No, we never eat epic or legendary
Other information : If necessary, come to the streams to ask for information or on the discord: Discord
Lexicon of RSL if you do not understand certain words: Glossary on RSL

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Champion Skills: Siphi the Lost Bride

A1 = Curse of Desire

Attack an enemy. Has 80% chance to place a debuff [Sleep] by 1 turn if the target's Turn Counter is greater than or equal to 50%. It is impossible to resist this debuff. Heals all allies by 5% of their MAX HP if the target's Turn Meter is below 50%.

  • Level 2: Chance of Buff/Debuff + 5%
  • Level 3: Chance of Buff/Debuff + 5%
  • Level 4: Chance of Buff/Debuff + 5%
  • Level 5: Chance of Buff/Debuff + 5%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 5*ATK,HEAL 0.05*TRG_HP

A2 = Romance Éclair | CD = 6 rpm

Fills the Turn Meter of all allies with 10% and places a buff [Blocking Debuffs], a buff [DEF increase] of 60% and a buff [Increase in VIT] of 30% on all allies for 2 turns.

  • Level 2: Cooldown -1 turn
  • Level 3: Cooldown -1 turn

A3 = Eternal Love | CD = 6 spins

Revive a single ally with 55% HP and a full Turn Meter. Places a buff [ATK Increase] of 50% and a buff [C Rate Increase.] of 30% on this ally for 2 turns.

  • Level 2: Cooldown -1 turn
  • Level 3: Cooldown -1 turn

[P] Eternal Link

Heals each ally by 10% of their MAX HP at the start of their turn. Has 40% chance to remove debuffs [Freeze] and [Fear] on each ally at the start of their turn. Removes all debuffs from Rotos the Lost Groom at the start of his turn if he is on the same team.


Increases RESISTANCE in all battles by 80

Gear / Artifact / Hero Build Guide: Siphi the Lost Bride

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for : Siphi the Lost Bride

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Immortal, Lifesteal, Life, Defense, Resistance

Which statistics should I look for in : Siphi the Lost Bride

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed, HP%, DEF%, Resistance
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (HP%, DEF%)
    • Torso (HP%, DEF%)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (HP, DEF)
    • Amulet (HP, DEF)
    • Banner (Resistance)

Siphi the Lost Bride Masteries Guide

Masteries for: Dungeon, Clan Boss

Masters RSL Array for Siphi the Lost Bride

Skills for: Arena

RSL Array for Siphi the Lost Bride

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

Grace guide for Siphi the Lost Bride, which grace to wear?

We advise you :
  • Intimidating presence (Only one per team) Intimidating presence (Only one per team)
  • Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team) Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team)

Story of Siphi Lost Bride (Siphi the Lost Bride)

It took the personal appearance of the Arbiter who had resurrected his champions and crossed his holy sword with Harvest Jack's evil scythe to repel the revenant. Since then, Harvest Jack often appears under the full moon of cold autumn nights, always hungry, always looking for hapless mortals to feed him. It's unclear if this kind of power can be trapped in a shard, but if so, the revenant's dark powers will certainly come in handy in the fight against Siroth.

If there was love at first sight, he would later tell his crew, it was that of an angry southern woman knocking out a bully twice her size with a candlestick. While some scoundrels could have taken advantage of the situation, Rotos was determined to woo his beautiful survivor the old-fashioned way. Siphi greeted his advances first with cold derision, then with amusement, but Rotos' charm was as real as his determination. After weeks of back and forth, she finally gave in and showed interest, and it was just a spark that ignited the flames of passion. Over the next few months, Siphi and Rotos spent almost every sleeping hour together and came to like each other. She became his confidante, his voice of reason, and Rotos remained the cheeky risk-taker with an infectious thirst for adventure and a sense of drama that would put the High Elves to shame.

As their love blossomed, Rotos realized that the time had come to return home. Thanks to the wealth he has acquired over the past decade, he has managed to pay off all his debts and still has enough money for him and Siphi to live in luxury – provided the money is spent wisely. to restore the house of his ancestors. Unfortunately, Mayhew Pouillac, Arnoc's wealthiest moneylender at the time, considered the damage to his reputation caused by Rotos' flight to be far greater than any payment could compensate. He claimed otherwise, however, and accepted Rotos and his then-fiancée as honored guests.

In exchange for high interest on top of the original debt and penalties, Pouillac "forgives" Rotos and even offers to help him rebuild his family estate. But on the day of Rotos and Siphi's wedding, the vengeful loan shark finally put his cruel plan into action. Goons broke into the church where the ceremony was taking place. They carried bare arms, ignorant of all Lumayan tradition and law, and slaughtered unarmed guests like cattle. Although Rotos' last frantic fight claimed the lives of more than a dozen mercenaries, he had no chance of surviving alone against such numbers.

Crucified against the wall by spears, he could only watch in despair as the brutal mercenaries assassinated Siphi moments before his heart stopped beating. The last thing he heard was Siphi cursing the traitors in her native language and promising vengeance from beyond the grave. After completing their bloody task, Pouillac's mercenaries departed, leaving the bodies of the victims where they had fallen. Fortunately, the townspeople discovered the massacre and saw to it that the funeral rites were observed, but there was no trace of the murderers.

Days passed, the sheriff in charge of policing this province found no leads and made little effort to seek justice on behalf of a man who was a known pirate, and meanwhile disturbing rumors spread through the country. People said that the flowers left on the graves of the newlyweds all withered overnight. Except for two roses, which took on a strange and unnatural blue hue, unlike any flower that grows in this region. Others spoke of loud crying and moaning, the sound of nails hitting the wood of coffins coming from the basement. Strange mist-like figures appeared in the church. It didn't take long for the locals to declare the place cursed and abandon it altogether.

But the echoes of this massacre reached Arnoc itself, and the revenge promised by Siphi materialized before her murderers even had the opportunity to celebrate their success. One after another, the mercenaries involved in the attack died under mysterious circumstances. They always disappeared in the dead of night, only to be found in the morning, their faces pale and contorted with fear, their bodies drained of blood. Whatever they do, whatever gods they invoke, they die after fifteen days. The news of these murders reaches Pouillac and panics him. Had Rotos survived the attack? Did his mercenaries lie? There are no answers to these questions, and the terrified loan shark barricades himself in his domain, double guards and waits for the storm to pass. Nothing works…

One night, bloodcurdling cries broke the silence on the Pouillac estate. They were so terrifying that the locals barred their doors and windows, not wanting to risk seeing the monsters lurking in their streets. It is only in the morning that they dare to enter the great mansion of the usurer. What they found inside was shocking: bodies piled up on the floor, all with the same frightened look frozen on their faces. Not a single soul survived, no guards, no servants, they all perished during the night.

As for Pouillac himself, he was found in his chambers, curled up on himself and clutching himself so tightly that it took considerable effort for the pathologist to remove his hands from his face and reveal the expression of primitive terror which had must have stopped the usurer's heart in his last moments. No trace of the murderers was ever found, but old Arnault, a half-mad and crippled drunkard, renowned in the city, swore by the name of Lumaya that he had seen two ghostly figures in the courtyard of the estate that night. . One was a man wearing the finery of a noble, the other a woman dressed in strange ornaments of foreign origin. He couldn't tell who they were, or even what they were. Only that the strangers left the estate soon after the shouting stopped, then faded from view, never to be seen in Arnoc again.

How to get Siphi the Lost Bride

You can have the champion: Nil shards

List of Siphi the Lost Bride Champion Buffs and Debuffs

Team buffs list:

The buffs the champion puts on the whole team:
  • Debuff Blocking, +60% Defense, +50% Attack, +30% Speed, +30% Critical Rate

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • Sleep

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