The different rewards in the Clan Boss.

The different rewards in the Clan Boss.

In the clan boss you can earn rewards, chests. If you kill the boss, everyone who took part wins 2 chests instead of just one. Here are the rewards!

You'll see the chests to be won, and at the bottom the rewards that can be earned in each type of chest.

The chests you win depend on the difficulty of the boss.

Easy Clan Boss:

  • Novice Chest (286K – 381k damage dealt)
  • Novice Chest (381K – 761k damage dealt)
  • Adept's Chest (761K - 1,142k damage inflicted)
  • Warrior Chest (+1,142K damage dealt)

Normal Clan Boss:

  • Novice Chest (910K – 1,213k damage dealt)
  • Novice Chest (1,213K – 2,425k damage dealt)
  • Adept's Chest (2,425K - 3,638k damage inflicted)
  • Knight's Chest (+3,638K damage dealt)

Hard Clan Boss:

  • Warrior Chest (2,912K – 3,883k damage dealt)
  • Warrior Chest (3,883K – 7,766k damage dealt)
  • Knight's Chest (7,766K - 11,648k damage dealt)
  • Guardian Chest (+11,648K damage dealt)

Brutal Clan Boss:

  • Knight's Chest (5,424K - 7,232k damage dealt)
  • Guardian Chest (7,232K – 14,463k damage dealt)
  • Master Chest (14,463K – 21,694k damage dealt)
  • Grandmaster's Chest (+21,694K damage dealt)

Nightmare Clan Boss:

  • Guardian Chest (9,792K – 13,056k damage dealt)
  • Master Chest (13,056K – 26,111k damage dealt)
  • Grandmaster's Chest (26,111K - 39,166k damage dealt)
  • Supreme Chest (+39,166k damage dealt)

Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss:

  • Mythic Chest (17,569K – 25,425k damage dealt)
  • Divine Chest (23,425K – 46,849k damage dealt)
  • Celestial Chest (46,849K – 70,273K damage dealt)
  • Transcendent Chest (+70,273K damage dealt)

The different types of chests and their rewards:

Novice's Chest

2 possible rewards:

  • 10-15K silver
  • 3 small potions
  • 1 ancient shard
  • Artifact uncommon 3* or rare 3* or rare 4*

Novice Clan Chest boss Rewards

The Adept Chest:

2 possible rewards:

  • 13K-20K silver
  • 5 small potions
  • 1 ancient shard
  • Rare Artifact 3* or 4* Uncommon or 3* Epic or 4* Rare

Adept Clan boss Chest Rewards

Warrior's Chest:

2 possible rewards:

  • 15k-25k silver
  • 1 large potion
  • 1 ancient shard
  • 2-3 exp infusions
  • 1 rare volume
  • artifact 3* rare -> 5* common

Warrior Clan Chest boss Rewards

Knight's Chest:

3 possible rewards:

  • 20k-30k silver
  • 3 large potions
  • 5-10 gems
  • 1 ancient shard
  • 1 nether shard
  • 2-3 exp infusions
  • 1 rare volume
  • 1 epic volume
  • artifact 4* rare -> 5* uncommon

Knight Clan Chest boss Rewards

Guardian Chest:

(you gain just one more potion + one artifact rarity)

3 possible rewards:

  • 20k-30k silver
  • 4 large potions
  • 5-10 gems
  • 1 ancient shard
  • 1 nether shard
  • 2-3 exp infusions
  • 1 rare volume
  • 1 epic volume
  • artifact 4* rare -> 5* rare

Guardian Clan Chest boss Rewards

Master's Chest:

3 possible rewards:

  • 25k-35k silver
  • 5 large potions
  • 5-15 gems
  • 2 ancient shards
  • 1 nether shard
  • 3-4 exp infusions
  • 1 epic volume
  • artifact 4* rare -> 5* epic

Clan Master Chest boss Rewards

Grandmaster's Chest:

3 possible rewards:

  • 30k-40k silver
  • 6 large potions
  • 5-15 gems
  • 2 ancient shards
  • 1 nether shard
  • 4-5 exp infusions
  • 1 epic volume
  • 2 artifacts 5* rare -> 5* legendary

Grandmaster Clan Chest boss Rewards

The Supreme Chest:

4 possible rewards: (Drop chance in %)

  • 35k-50k silver (56%)
  • 8 large potions (81%)
  • 5-15 gems (34%)
  • 2 Ancient Shards (14%)
  • 1 nether shard (4%)
  • 1 Holy Shard (2%)
  • 5-6 infusions of exp (79%)
  • 1 epic tome (6%)
  • 1 legendary tome (4%)
  • 1 artifact 5* rare -> 5* legendary (100%)

Supreme Clan Chest boss Rewards

The Mythic Chest:

4 possible rewards: (Drop chance in %)

  • 30k-40k silver (60%)
  • 6 large potions (92%)
  • 5-15 gems (34%)
  • 2 Ancient Shards (14%)
  • 1 nether shard (3%)
  • 5-6 infusions of exp (85%)
  • 1 rare volume (9%)
  • 1 epic tome (3%)
  • 1 artifact 5* rare -> 6* epic (without legendary) (100%)

Mythic Clan Chest boss Rewards

The Divine Chest:

4 possible rewards: (Drop chance in %)

  • 35k-45k silver (62%)
  • 8 large potions (92%)
  • 5-15 gems (35%)
  • 2 Ancient Shards (14%)
  • 1 nether shard (3%)
  • 6-7 infusions of exp (86%)
  • 1 epic tome (3%)
  • 1 artifact 5* rare -> 6* epic (without legendary) (100%)

Divine Clan Chest boss Rewards

The Celestial Chest:

4 possible rewards: (Drop chance in %)

  • 40k-50k silver (62%)
  • 9 large potions (92%)
  • 5-15 gems (33%)
  • 2 Ancient Shards (14%)
  • 1 nether shard (3%)
  • 6-7 infusions of exp (86%)
  • 1 epic tome (3%)
  • 1 artifacts 5* epic -> 6* legendary (100%)

Celestial Clan Chest boss Rewards

The Transcendent Chest:

4 possible rewards: (Drop chance in %)

  • 50k-100k silver (56%)
  • 1 superior potions (92%)
  • 10-20 gems (37%)
  • 2 Ancient Shards (37%)
  • 1 nether shard (13%)
  • 1 Holy Shards (10%)
  • 6-8 infusions of exp (90%)
  • 1 epic tome (10%)
  • 1 legendary tome (7%)
  • 1 artifacts 5* epic -> 6* legendary (100%)

Transcendent Clan Chest boss Rewards

The rewards in % still had the rare tome counted. With the update we don't have the exact data but I'm putting them in anyway for a little information.




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