CITY OF SHELL / Arc Shell – Chapter 1/3

Your first missions are as follows: Location of the Navy base

Context of the adventure:

'After your misadventure with the terrible Alvida, you finally arrive in the town of Shell. Very quickly, you realize that something is wrong in this town. This is overlooked by a navy base headed by Colonel Morgan. But it turns out that he and his corrupt marines are terrorizing the population instead of protecting it. This preventing you from acting as you wish on the island, you decide to go and settle his account with Morgan.'


'Locate the base of the navy was not very difficult, but still need to know how to get there! A young girl, tired of the tyranny that reigns on the island, has offered to show you the way. You follow her on this expedition!'

 Goals :

  •  To harvest 4,000  berries: 0/4,000
  • To harvest 3 cola: 0/3
  • To succeed 2 expeditions to Warship Island: 0/2
  • win 31 enemies (4 waves): 0/4


For berries, the usual commands:

  • ^^fish
  • ^^daily
  • ^^btl
  • ^^boat
  • ^^ddm
  • by opening your lootboxes (^^lb l to know the list of your lootboxes, and ^^lb o to open them)


For the cola:

For colas the basic commands:

  • ^^boat a cola if you're lucky (the easiest way is by boat)
  • ^^fish a way to get cola but it's quite rare
  • ^^btl a very rare means especially at the beginning of an adventure
  • .rep @koyamie on the koya server and do ^^lb o wood  you win a cola obligatorily, in the other boxes too (solid for example).

In short, always favored ^^boat e 1 and ^^boat a to farm the colas


For expeditions to Warship Island, do ^^boat e 1 it's expedition number 1, as a reminder it lasts 30 minutes and you have 15 minutes to recover it.


To defeat the enemies do ^^btl Where ^^btl a

As soon as you have completed everything you can move on to the next chapter by doing: ^^chap next.

Tutorial of the next chapter:

Tutorial from the previous chapter:

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