Twitch emote: What dimension, format and size?

If you're new to Twitch, you sure don't understand what emote is and what it's going to be used for. Still, these are small functions that look like nothing at all, but count a lot on promoting your channel. In this text, let's discover together what are the uses of Twitch emotes and their dimensions, formats and sizes.

To find a professional to create your Twitch emotes, click here:

Make a pro Twitch Emote for -10€


Image taken from internet

What are the uses of Twitch emotes?

On Twitch, emojis have some special characters. Streamers use them to create beauty in chat. In fact, emoticons are used to express in chat, and to convey emotions. Emoticons are often expressed in a humorous tone. Emojis also help to reinforce the brand image in order to affirm the personality as well as the affiliated partners. On the fan side, they use emotes to celebrate a streamer's victory, to encourage them or even make fun of their defeats.

For your information, emotes were introduced on the platform in 2015. They are now part of the culture and identity of the Twitch community. These are images similar to emojis used on other social networks, including: WhatsApp, and Facebook. They make it possible to amplify an idea, an emotion as well as a concept.

How do I resize Twitch emotes?

There are two ways to resize Twitch emotes. This can be done automatically or manually depending on the possibilities of the streamers:

Automatic resizing

The advantage of automatic resizing is that it simplifies the uploading of emoticons. So, in order to add an emoticon, a single file containing a square image is enough.

  • Dimension : between 112 pixels by 112 pixels and 4096 by 4096.
  • Maximum file size: 1 MB
  • Size: automatically converts to other required sizes.

To do this, here are the steps to follow:

  • First, click on the referrer of the upload which is on the square on the left;
  • Then select the ideal file;
  • Your emoticon will automatically convert to the required sizes;
  • Then, in the emoticon code field, choose the name;
  • The complete code of your emoticon will consist of a prefix as well as its code;
  • Once the files are uploaded and the code selected, click Add Emoticon;
  • The emoticon will therefore be saved in the library.

If you already have an emoticon in the slot, the slot will be assigned to that emoticon by default.

The monthly resizing

It is also possible to disable automatic resizing and opt for manual resizing.

You will therefore have three separate sizes online, in other words:

  • Dimension : 28 pixels by 28 pixels, 56 pixels by 56 pixels as well as 112 pixels by 112 pixels.
  • Maximum file size: 100 KB.

The advantage of the manual mode is that it allows you to control the sizes of the frame by frame. However, for the three files provided, the emoticons must be of the same image.

To manually enable emoticons, here are the steps to follow:

  • First, start by disabling automatic emote resizing;
  • Click the add icon in each square to select the correct file size;
  • Choose a name for your emoticon in the Emoticon code option;
  • Like automatic resizing, the complete emoticon code will consist of a prefix and a code;
  • When the files are uploaded and your security code selected, click Add emoticon;
  • Then the changes will be made and saved in the library.

On the other hand, if you are not at all skilled in all these changes, but you want to optimize your channel, you can call on professionals in the field. We suggest you find the best professional by clicking here:

Make a pro Twitch Emote for -10€

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