Who's Twitch's boss

Who's Twitch's boss?

After being acquired by Amazon on August 25, 2014, it's hard to imagine the streaming landscape without Twitch. Born in 2011, this platform...

Image illustration for our article "Mym promo code".

Coupon code Mym

To remember: Access to exclusive content at reduced rates: MYM is a platform where creators offer promo codes to enable...

Image illustration for our article "How to humanize a ChatGPT text".

How to humanize a ChatGPT text?

Things to remember: Adopt appropriate language: Use simple vocabulary, avoid technical jargon and use a variety of sentence structures to make your...

Illustration for our article "How many boss on Elden Ring".

How many boss out of Elden Ring?

To remember: Elden Ring has 238 bosss, divided into various categories such as main-story bosss, mini-bosss and sub-bosss, offering a wide range...