How to change the color of your nickname on Twitch?

How to change the color of your nickname on Twitch?

Twitch is dynamic live streaming platformwhich gives brands a unique opportunity to captivate and interact with millions of passionate viewers around the world. You can even promote your friend's channel by making a raid on Twitch.

A username is assigned every time someone registers on Twitch. When you log on to the platform, your name automatically appears with a random color in a Twitch chat, but you don't have to stick to this color. You can change the color of your nickname by going to the chat options. We've put together a tutorial to help you. The color of your nickname makes it easier to be seen on certain streams.

Change your Twitch username on phone and PC

In the twitch chat, you can write /color then the color in English and it will change the color of your nickname.

Usage: "/color " - Change the color of your identifier. The color must be in hexadecimal format (#000000) or one of the following possibilities: Blue, BlueViolet, CadetBlue, Chocolate, Coral, DodgerBlue, Firebrick, GoldenRod, Green, HotPink, OrangeRed, Red, SeaGreen, SpringGreen, YellowGreen.

If you haven't set the right color, you'll get the following message: Impossible to change your color. If you've done everything right, relaunch the page and talk. It may take up to 1-2 minutes for your color to change in the chatroom.

Change its color on PC in the settings?

Just go to the settings at the bottom of the stream.

Twitch settings to change color
Image showing Chat Settings


Then click on MODIFY in identity overview.

Illustration of the change of nickname color on twitch
Color available on Twitch

Then, in Name color, choose the color you prefer and accept.

Press F5 and then enter a message, normally your color is changed. If an error occurs, do the same thing again and see if the color is selected correctly. If so, wait 2 minutes.

Want more color available?

All you have to do is link your AMAZON prime account to twitch (if you need a tutorial, leave a comment).

Otherwise you can get it for free: FREE AMAZON PRIME

Having the prime unlocks you a lot more color!

Enjoy live PC championships, streaming games and video tutorials on this world-renowned platform. Exchange news with other users. In fact, Twitch offers numerous chat options. You can change the font size and color of your Twitch chat in a few simple steps.

Do you encounter any other difficulties or bottlenecks on twitch, here is the tutorial list to help you out:

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