How to get to the Nether?


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How to get to the Nether?

In this article, we will see how to go to the Nether, what are its specificities, the creatures that are there as well as the objects that you can obtain.

Summary :


I. How do I get to the Nether?

In Minecraft, there are 3 different sizes:

  • The surface (in which you appear from the start of your game) also called Overworld
  • The Nether also called Trefonds or Hell (the one we are talking about today)
  • The End also called Ender

To have access to the last two dimensions that I mentioned above, you need a specific portal. In the case of Nether, this portal must be built by the player. For this, you will need at least:

  • 10 obsidian blocks  Obsidian Minecraft (stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the bricks, ID = obsidian)
    ) (don't forget you need a diamond pickaxe  Diamond Pickaxe Minecraft  to retrieve this block?)
  • 1 lighter   Lighter Minecraft (does not stack and in the creative tab it is in the axe, ID= flint_and_steel)

To build the portal, the blocks must be arranged in a frame of 4×5 (Where 2×3 if we take only the interior; i.e. without the four corners). Once the frame is made, use the lighter to light the top of one of the blocks that I have framed in red. (see picture below)

Nether Portal Minecraft

Note therefore that the least resource-intensive portal is the one where the angles are removed (left portal) since you will need 10 blocks against 14 blocks for the right portal. Now all you have to do is put yourself in the frame and wait a few seconds, after that a loading screen will appear and you will be in the Nether.

II. The specificities of the Nether.

  • The Nether portal can also be decorative since its maximum size is 23×23 and it does not have to be rectangular in shape. What gave him all the possible and imaginable forms.
  • the Nether is eight times smaller than the Surface, it is therefore a means which is certainly dangerous, but which is also fast if you want to move since a block in the Nether is equal to 8 blocks on the Surface.
  • A bed cannot be used, if you try to use it, it will explode. This avoids any shift in the day/night cycle since this cycle does not exist in the Nether.
  • Water cannot be used because once set it will evaporate.
  • The Surface and the Nether do not work at the same time, this means, for example, that if a TNT is switched on on the Surface and you go to the Nether, the TNT will only explode when you return to the Surface. (except in multiplayer)

III. The creatures present in the Nether and their objects.

the Nether has its own creatures (apart from theenderman found in three dimensions). They are all fire resistant. In alphabetical order we have:Blaze MinecraftThe Blaze : this specter often moves in groups, he will send you fireballs which will inflict damage and set you on fire. He has 20 points of life (1 life point = 1 half heart Half-core Minecraft). If you kill one, he can give you between 0 and 1 stick of Blaze   Blaze Staff Minecraft

(stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the lava bucket, ID= blaze_rod).Zombie Pig MinecraftThe pig zombie : this peaceful creature is armed with a golden sword and is always in groups of 4. However if you attack it, it will become hostile and will pursue you in the company of its congeners being around (and they will remain so even after your dead). He has 20 points of life (1 life point = 1 half heart Half-core Minecraft) as well as 2 armor points (1 armor point = 1 half armor minecraft half armor). If you kill one, it can give you between 0 and 1 Rotten FleshRotten Flesh Minecraft  (stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the apple, ID= rotten_flesh), between 0 and 1 gold nuggetGold nugget Minecraft(stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the lava bucket, ID= gold_nugget), between 0 and 1 gold bar (stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the lava bucket, ID = gold_ingot) and between 0 and 1 gold sword gold sword Minecraft (does not stack and in the creative tab it is in the sword, ID= golden_sword).Magma Cube Minecraft

The Magma Cube : this jumping cube has a behavior similar to slime. It moves by jumping, splits into smaller Magma Cube when it dies. He has 16 points of life  at its maximum size as well as 12 points of armor, 14 points of life to its average size as well as 6 points of armor and 1 point of life at its minimum size as well as 3 points of armor. When you kill one, it can give you between 0 and 1 Magma Cream Magma Cream Minecraft (stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the vial of water, ID = magma_cream).

The Ghast : this flame and lava resistant flying monster will send fireballs at you (the same as those of Blaze). These can be returned by hitting the projectile just before 

impact (shooting an arrow or even the fishing rod works too). He has 10 points of life and

when you kill one, it can give you between 0 and 2 Gunpowder  Gunpowder (stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the lava bucket, ID= gunpowder) and between 0 and 1 Tear of GhastTear_of_Ghast(stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the vial of water, ID = ghast_tear).Wither Skeleton Minecraft

The Skeleton Wither : This nether skeleton has a stone sword stone sword Minecraft (does not stack and in the creative tab it is in the sword, ID= stone_sword)instead of an arc and inflicts the player with the Wither I effect for 10 seconds. If you kill one, it can give you between 0 and 1 CoalCoal Minecraft(stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the lava bucket, ID= coal), between 0 and 2 Os Os Minecraft(stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in the lava bucket, ID= bone), between 0 and 1 Skeleton Wither Skull Skeleton Wither Skull(stacks by 64 and in the creative tab it is in pink flowers, ID= wither_skeleton_skull) (3 Skeletal Wither Skulls are required to summon the Wither) and between 0 and 1 stone sword stone sword Minecraft.

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