Pokémon Sword and Shield, how to delete your game and start over?

Updated on February 21, 2024 by Prince

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Pokémon Sword and Shield are available on nintendo-switch. Each of these games has its own particularities, such as the names of certain Pokémon that are unique to each of them. However, one of the things they have in common is the method used to reset them. We'll give you a few tips on how to restart your game.

Illustration for our article "Pokémon sword and shield, how to delete your game and start again".
Illustration of the Pokémon sword and shield game for our tutorial on how to delete and restart your game. Source : Alucare.fr

What manipulations should be done to reset the game?

Pokémon Sword and Shield does not include a function for directly deleting a save and starting a new game. The management of save settings is different for each console (e.g. for Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS). In addition, each "player profile" configured in the console has its own personalized settings for saving games. Here's how to delete your saved games manually. To start all over again, you need to do the following from the home pageby going to the console settings.

Steps to delete your game

If you are on the console homepage and have not started the game yet:

  1. Click on theSettings icon of your Nintendo Switch (in the shape of a cogwheel).
  2. Then enter the "Data management.
  3. Then scroll to "Backup data management and click on it.
  4. Select game Pokémon Sword Where Pokémon Shield.
  5. Click on the backup to deleteand confirm the operation by pressing "Delete backup data for (your username)". for a single profile, otherwise select the option to delete all backup data for the entire program.

When you restart the GameYou'll be back where you started, in the land of Galar.

steps to start a new game

The steps to follow are simple to start a game of Pokémon Sword and Shield:

  1. Hold down the "Y" key and the "Y-Comm" menu opens.
  2. Then press the " + " to connect to the Internet if you're playing remotely, or choose "Link Battle if you play in the same place.

And now it's your turn!

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