Are Bitmojis Haram?


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  • Bitmojis are generally considered haram in Islam if they represent human beings. with detailed lines, in accordance with the teachings of the hadiths forbidding the creation of human images.
  • Simplified Bitmojis, without full facial features and with covered bodiescan be considered halal, provided they comply with Islamic guidelines on modesty.
  • Unlike Bitmojis, the classic emojis are deemed halal because they don't represent living beings, but standardized objects, expressions or ideas.

Bitmojis are personalized emojis. You can personalize them as much as you like. Are Bitmojis Haram in Islam? Read our article to find out.

Are Bitmojis Haram in Islam?

Image illustration for our article "Are bitmoji haram".
Illustrative image for our article explaining what Islam thinks of bitmojis. Source :

The Bitmoji avatar lets you design a mini-version of yourself. Hair, clothes, everything is personalized.

Is bitmoji considered haram or halal in Islam? The simple answer is that it varies according to the type of Bitmoji you use or create.

  • If the Bitmojis has eyes, a nose and ears, it is part of the what is Haram in Islam.
  • Otherwise, if the bitmoji has only eyes, it is Halal, as Islam does not prohibit this kind of image.
  • On the one hand, if the bitmojis has a body but no nose, ears or eyes, then it's Halal. However, you need to make sure that the body is well covered.

In short, it is forbidden to have a Bitmoji with a detailed face. However, it is possible to allow a stylized avatar without a full face. However, remember that your Bitmoji Avatar on Snapchat must respect Islamic guidelines (not showing hair or skin in public for girls, non-provocative clothing, etc.).

Are Bitmojis haram according to Hadith?

According to the Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith: 

"The creators of these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and they will also be told: Give life to what has been created".

This hadith emphasizes that creating anything resembling a human being is forbidden in Islam. Thus, it is strongly forbidden to create and use them. Although Bitmojis are a recent technology, traditional hadiths prohibit the creation of images depicting human beings and animals. This is why the majority of Muslim scholars believe that Bitmojis are forbidden by virtue of the advice of the hadiths.

Here are other verses emphasizing that bitmojis are forbidden in Islam:

"Angels do not enter a house where there are images."

"Every creator of images will be in the fire of Hell. A soul will receive a body that will punish it in Hell for every image it has created."

On the other hand, it's also important to point out that not all bitmojis are forbidden. Some are halal, provided they don't have a full face and the body is covered. You still need to be careful, because even if bitmojis don't have a face, disrespecting your religion by misusing them is not allowed.

Why are these bitmojis haram?

In general, bitmojis with detailed features are prohibited, for the following reasons:

  • For they look like human beings and imitate human strength. These practices are forbidden by Islamic law. Indeed, creating and displaying images of human beings is a sin in Islam.
  • These images can also be referred to as "carved images", meaning that they represent something that a of life or who replaces a living beingwhich is considered to be imitating the power of God.
  • In Islam, using a Bitmoji to represent oneself on social networks encourages theobsession with one's own imagewhich is perceived as useless and narcissistic.

What's more, bitmoji avatars can also be used for disrespectful purposes. In other words, users can use them to mock someone or spread false rumors. This is a practice that goes against Islamic teachings, as it risks hurting and destroying the feelings of others.

How do I delete my Snapchat bitmoji?

If you want to delete your bitmoji avatar, follow these steps:

  1. Access your profile screen by pressing the profile icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the gear icon in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Scroll down and click on "Bitmoji".
  4. Click on the "Delete my Bitmoji" button.

Are emojis haram?

Different from the Bitmoji avatar used on Snapchat, emojis are pre-established representations of objects, expressions and ideas. They are standardized across all media and devices. They offer a tailor-made digital language.

So if you're wondering whether emojis are haram, the answer is no. Classic emojis are halal because they do not represent living beings.

It's worth noting that these technologies didn't yet exist when the Hadith and the Koran were created, and the same goes for the Internet and video games. But, if we consider the Prophet Mohammed and the concept of the carved image, we can say that it's haram to use Bitmojis, such as it's also Haram to play Monopoly Go.

In short, most Islamic scholars forbid the creation or use of a Bitmoji that resembles a human being.

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