The boss of the Doom tower (tower of misfortune)

The boss of the Doom tower (tower of misfortune)

Information to know about the boss of the Doom tower:

Agreth the spider from beyond


A1 : Envenomed Sons

Attacks all enemies. Places a 5% [Poison] debuff on all enemies for 4 turns.

Repeat the attack once for each baby spider without an active buff. Poison] debuffs cannot be resisted or blocked.

A2 : Brood Feast

Sire 4 Baby Spiders, then place a [Counter-Attack] buff on all Baby Spiders for 3 turns.

Team up with all Baby Spiders to attack all enemies if a Baby Spider is spawned by this skill.
[Agreth can have a maximum of 4 babies in combat].

Passive : Rôdeuse Ainée

Counterattack every time an enemy reduces Agreth's Turn Counter. The damage inflicted is equal to the amount of turn counter lost. Ignores 100% defense.

Passive: Wave of Toxins

Attacks all enemies at the start of each turn. Instantly inflicts damage from all [Poison] debuffs on each enemy.

When attacked by an enemy afflicted with a [Poison] debuff, increases the duration of all debuffs on the attacker by 1 turn, then inflicts a [Poison Sensitivity] debuff of 25% for 3 turns.

When attacked by an enemy without a [Poison] debuff, places a 5% [Poison] debuff on the attacker for 4 turns. Poison debuffs cannot be resisted or blocked.

Passive: Omnipotent Immunity

Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provocation], [Skill cooldown block], [Fear] and [Absolute Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange, HP balancing and cooldown-increasing effects.

Passive: Terrible Force

The damage of skills based on the enemy's MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss's MAX HP during a boss attack.

Passive: Terrible tenacity

All Tower Counter reduction effects are reduced by 50% when used against boss.


Sorath, the frost spider

A1: White hell

Attacks all enemies. Places a 50% [Accuracy Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.

A2: Katabatic Winds

Attack all enemies.

Place a [Block Buffs] debuff and a [Reduce Healing] debuff of 100% for 2 turns on enemies afflicted with a [Freeze] debuff.

Places a 30% [Speed Reduction] debuff and a 50% [ATQ Reduction] debuff for 2 turns on enemies not under [Freeze] debuffs.

A3: Absolute zero

Removes all buffs from enemies, before attacking them.

Has 100% chance to place a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. However, the chance is reduced to 50% if Sorath is under a [PV Burn] debuff. Increases this Champion's Turn Counter by 20% for each [Gel] debuff placed by this skill.

Passive: Frozen lymph

When attacked, has a 20% chance to place a [Freeze] debuff on the attacker for 1 turn.
Increases Sorath's Defense and Resistance if Sorath is not afflicted by a debuff of [HP Burn].

Passive: Flame Purge

Reanimates Sorath with 50% of HP and his full Turn Counter, resets all skill cooldowns if Sorath is killed while not afflicted with a [HP Burn] debuff. Will also spawn 2 Baby Spiders.
[Sorath can have a maximum of 2 baby spiders].

Passive: Omnipotent Immunity

Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provocation], [Skill cooldown block], [Fear] and [Absolute Fear] debuffs.

Also immune to PV exchange and PV balancing effects, and effects that increase recharge time.

Passive: Terrible Force

The damage of skills based on the enemy's MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss's MAX HP during a boss attack.

Passive: Terrible tenacity

All Tower Counter reduction effects are reduced by 50% when used against boss.


Borgoth, the scarab king


A1: Fog of Madness

Attack all enemies.

Places a 50% [ATQ Reduction] debuff and a 30% [Speed Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.

Places an extra blow on enemies who have no [Shield] buffs. The extra hit places a [Provocation] debuff for 1 turn.

A2: Vile Absorption

Attack all enemies. Places an additional hit on each enemy for each buff on the target.

Each additional hit steals a random buff from enemies without [Shield] buffs and removes a random buff from enemies with [Shield] buffs.

Places an [Absolute Fear] debuff for 1 turn on enemies who have buffs stolen from them, and a [Fear] debuff for 1 turn on enemies whose buffs are removed.

Passive: Spectral Horror

Reduces incoming damage based on Borgoth's MAX HP reduction percentage.
Damage received is reduced by:

  • 90% if Borgoth's MAX HP has been reduced by less than 10%.
  • 60% if Borgoth's MAX HP has been reduced from 10% to 20%.
  • 30% if Borgoth's MAX HP has been reduced between 20% and 30%.
  • 0% if Borgoth's MAX HP has been reduced by more than 30%.

Passive: Easy Prey

Counterattack when Borgoth is attacked by an enemy without a [Shield] buff.

Passive: Omnipotent Immunity

Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provocation], [Skill cooldown block], [Fear] and [Absolute Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange, HP balancing and cooldown-increasing effects.

Kuldath, the magma dragon


A1: Mark of Weakness

Attacks 1 enemy. Reduces the target's turn counter by 50%.

Targets enemies under [Curse] debuffs.

A2: Hyper-Combustion

Attacks all enemies. Instantly activates any [HP Burn] debuff on each target, and reduces the duration of these [HP Burn] debuffs by one turn.

A3: Fanning the Flames

Attacks all enemies. Places a [HP Burn] debuff for 3 turns, then steals 10% from the Turn Meter from each enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff.

Also places a [Spell] debuff for 4 turns on the enemy with the lowest HP. This debuff cannot be resisted or blocked.

Passive: Deadly Lava

Instantly places a debuff of [Spell] for 4 turns on an enemy whenever it has a debuff of [Spell] removed. Ignores [Damage Block], [Shield] and [Invincible] buffs and 100 % of DEF when attacking enemies with a [Spell] debuff.

Instantly removes all [HP Burn] debuffs placed on Kuldath and replaces them with a [Continuous Healing] buff of 15% for 2 turns.

Passive: Invincible Scales

Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Skill cooldown block], [Fear], [Absolute Fear] and [Spell] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange, HP balancing and cooldown-increasing effects.

Passive: Terrible Force

The damage of skills based on the enemy's MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss's MAX HP during a boss attack.


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