How to recover your lost or hacked Snapchat account?

There are many times when you can no longer access your account on a platform that uses the Internet. Whether it's because you forgot your credentials or because your account was hijacked, it's no fun at all. Unfortunately, a Snapchat account is not immune to this kind of situation. However, there is indeed a solution to regain access to your account and we will show you on this page how to do it case by case.

Image depicts recovering lost or hacked Snapchat account

If you forget the password

You can reset your password if you can't remember it or have forgotten that you changed it:

  1. Open Snapchat on your smartphone (iPhone or Android) and select "Login", then navigate to the "Forgot Password" option.
  2. Indicate the recovery method you wish to use, either via your phone or by e-mail.
    1. If it is by e-mail, a dialogue box will open asking you to enter your e-mail address and click on the "Send" button. You will receive an email from Snapchat that contains a password reset link. Press this link and create your new password.
    2. If you chose to go through your phone number, then after entering it, you will have another choice between the message or call option. All you have to do is enter the OTP you received, then type in the new password.
  3. After resetting the password, you will be redirected to the login page and you will be able to access your Snapchat account again.

If you forget the identifiers

When you haven't used Snapchat for a long time, you may not remember your nickname to get back to it. At that point, you can recover your account by using your email address to create a new password, but it gets a bit trickier if you forgot that password too! In this sense, you still have an alternative:

  1. Take an inventory of all your email addresses, making sure none are missing. You just might not remember which one you used to open your Snapchat account because you have more than one.
  2. Go to the app on your phone and try to recover your account by trying your email addresses on the list one at a time, until you no longer get the error message "The email address Is not valid. ". When the latter has ceased to appear, this will mean that the e-mail address entered is correct. You will then only have to reset your password.

In case of hacking

It is not easy to restore a stolen/hacked Snapchat account. The procedure is more complicated if the person who stole your account added changes to it, which is usually the case.

  1. If you find that your details have been published in a database (online platforms can confirm this), then you will need to create a new password that is difficult to guess so that no one can access your account.
  2. If someone has already logged in and changed the password, you can try the forgotten password method using your email address to get your account back in order.
  3. However, if it turns out that in addition to the username and recovery email address, the phone number attached to your account has also changed, you should contact Snapchat support. to then complete a form that may allow them to restore your account.
  4. Also remember to protect your account with the following methods:
    1. Make sure your account information is valid for easy recovery.
    2. Allow double authentication so you don't get blocked.
    3. Be sure to create a backup code that will be useful in case you have trouble with two-factor authentication.
    4. Use a different password for each of the platforms you use.

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