What is concentration mode on iPhone and how to activate it?

Latest versions of Iphone like IOS 15 and iPadOS offers focus function. This feature helps you stay focused even if you have to step away from your device. Additionally, it is possible to customize the Focus settings. You can also choose when you want to receive alerts, notifications, etc. letting others know you're busy. In this text, we will discover, what is Concentration mode on Iphone and how to activate it?

(Illustration in concentration mode image. Image taken from the Internet)

What is Focus mode on iPhone?

The Focus feature on Ios was invented in 2021. Its purpose is to match your behavior to that of your mobile. For example, if you want to be quiet for a while, you can pause all notifications. Then, if you are at the office and do not want to be disturbed, you can choose to receive only professional messages. Moreover, Apple offers several predefined concentration modes. These activate in seconds. You can also start from scratch and create your own mode of concentration through the eponymous interface of your Iphone. FYI, Focus mode is hidden in the Settings app, between the Sounds & Haptics and Screen Time menus.

How do I set up focus mode?

To set up Focus mode, here are the steps to follow:

  • First, go to Settings;
  • Then, focus;
  • Then click on a concentration mode such as: Do not disturb for example, or Time for yourself, Rest or work;
  • Also remember to specify the applications and people who can send you something during Focus periods;
  • Go to Allow or hide notifications for concentration mode on Iphone;
  • Once the applications are defined, an Option link will appear;
  • Click Options to be able to do the following:
  • Show hidden notifications;
  • Dim the locked screen during focus mode;
  • Hide app notification badges on the home screen;
  • Finally, click ok at the top of the screen.

If you want to change the locked screen with this focus mode:

  • Click preview locked screen with "customize screens";
  • Next, select a page;
  • Finally, tap on Ok which is located at the top of the screen.

This new feature is very important especially for those who want to work quietly without being disturbed.

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