How do I contact Epic Games?

To remember :

  1. Various means of contact : Epic Games can be contacted by telephone at its US headquarters, by e-mail for general assistance or DMCA infringements, and by post in English at their respective addresses.
  2. Detailed online support For common issues such as account security or Fortnite purchases, users can visit specific Epic Games sites for help or request conditional refunds.
  3. Specific procedures for disputes If a dispute is not resolved via customer service, users can initiate arbitration by sending a detailed letter to Epic Games' legal department.

Having problems with your Epic Games account? Have you run out of solutions and don't know who to contact? You're probably wondering if it's possible to contact your supplier! The answer is yes, you can contact Epic Games!

It's possible to contact Epic Games for any kind of claim or problem related to your account. In this article, we'll take you through different ways to contact Epic Games !

Contact customer service by phone

The first solution is to try to contact Epic Games by telephone. Just like other online platforms, Epic Games also has a telephone customer service department. Which number for Epic Games France? Epic Games does not have a telephone number in France. The only number available is that of the brand's headquarters in North Carolina. This is, of course, the telephone number : +1 919 854 0070.

You can also visit the to contact Epic Games after-sales service. This site offers help with any Epic Games product. However, for classic games in the Unreal series, please visit

Contact customer service by email

If you need help with Fortnite or your Epic Games account, you can request assistance on theeur website. The questions you ask will be answered, including: the security your account, the parental codes, etc.

To get the right answers, however, you need to create an account to connect directly with an advisor. If you already have an account but are unable to log in, please go to the contact form.

  • If you also want to ask a question to Epic Games by e-mail, here's the address:
  • If you wish to send a mail of presumed infringement because you believe that your work has been used on the Epic Games website, or other service in a manner that constitutes a breachcontact :

Send a letter to Epic Games

You can also write (in English) to Epic Games, whose US headquarters address is :

Epic Games, Inc.

620 Crossroads Blvd.

Cary, NC 27518 USA.

If you have any questions or complaints, please contact us atenter your contact details. Also send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to ensure that the letter reaches the right addressee.

For all purchasing problem on Fortnite, you can also write to Epic Games at the following address:

Epic Store Returns

3150 Elliott Ave.

Suite 110 Seattle, WA 98121.


How can I obtain a right of withdrawal from Epic Games?

Products and games available on the Epic Games site are guaranteed to be refunded within 14 days of purchase. However, to obtain a refund, you must have played the game. less than 2 hours in total.

Products or games marked non-refundable or that do not comply with the refund policy will not be refunded.

How can I request a refund from Epic Games?

To request a refund, please log in to your account on the site. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Transaction 
  2. Choose the game title
  3. Therefore, if it is eligible for reimbursement, click on the Refund in order to initiate procedures

How can I report a dispute to Epic Games?

If no dispute is reached after contacting Epic Games customer service, and you need to arbitrate, send a letter to the postal address:

Epic Games, Inc.
Legal Department,
2474 Walnut Street, Cary, North Carolina, 27518

For a complete procedure, include all necessary information including :

  • Your name ;
  • Your postal address ;
  • Your account name ;
  • Your postal address ;
  • Your contacts ;
  • As well as a precise description of the problem you are experiencing.

Now you know how to contact Epic Games!

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61 commentaires on "How to contact Epic Games?"

  1. “Ich kann deinen Frust wirklich verstehen aber leider konnten wir dich nicht als den Account Ersteller identifizierien und deswegen darf ich dir nicht helfen oder Informationen mitteilen.

    Falls du weitere Fragen oder Anliegen hast, kannst du dich wieder melden. ''
    Ich habe alles richtig beantwortet und die helfen mir dennoch nicht mein account wurde gehackt kann mir einer helfen?

  2. Hallo ich habe ein Problem ich bin seid kurzen in Fortnite rein gegangen und dann musste ich mein Geburtsdatum eingeben und eine Email ich habe es es gemacht auf einmal hatte ich eine Kindersicherung drin wäre nett wenn sie sich melden könnten.

  3. Halllo ich habe erst heute ein paket mit einem skin und backbling und datzu imm packet noch 1000 V books (waren dabei ) aber meibe V books hat es nicht aufgeladen . Ich binn sehr traurig ich habe vür das packet 7.99 bezahlt (das Fischi packet ) ich habe meine switch auch schon neu gaschtartet und die V books lädt es nicht auf. Ich möchte bitte die 1000 V books bitte .

  4. Wieso kann ich mein Accaunt öffnen bei fortnite.
    Ich möchte spielen aber es öffnet sich nicht
    Kann mir da jemand helfen wie ich weiter komme.
    Schreibt mir bitte

  5. Hallo liebe Epic Games mit Arbeiter ich habe einen Fortnite Pack gekauft und habe nur den Fisch Skin bekommen aber die v-Bucks nicht und würde mich freuen wen ihr wieder meine V-Bucks zurück gibt Da ich mir mit den 1000 V-Bucks etwas kaufen wollte und ich jetzt die V-Bucks nicht erhalten habe


  7. Boa late
    Não consigo acessar minha conta na Epic Games

    Está acusando
    A sua conta não foi encontrada

    Porém a cobrança mensal do clube fortnite está ocorrendo normal

    Preciso URGENT acessar minha conta

  8. Ich habe mir etwas gekauft und meine Vbucks nicht bekommen bei einem Packet in Fortnite ich habe mir sogar zwei Pakete gekauft und nie meine Vbucks bekommen ich bitte um Rückmeldung ich möchte meine Vbucks haben

  9. Könntet ihr meine Kinder Versicherung wieder rausholen wegen meinem Bruder weil dann mein Bruder wollte ich halt gebannt von einem Freund und mein Bruder

  10. epi game me funcionaba bien y de repente mi cuenta dejo de hacerlo no puedo acceder nicon me dice que el correo no fuciona y es inposible llevo 20 años con la misma cuenta y nunca me habita pasado nada como esto mi nonbre es scalibur18 y no se que hacer para recuperarla es extraño

  11. Hello

    I no longer know my email address for my epic games account because I usually connected by entering the identifiers of my playstation account associated with my epic games account.

    But my playstation account was permanently banned which prevents me from logging into my epic games account.

    I would like to know if it was possible to have the email address of my epic games account or somehow to unblock me from this situation in order to have access to my epic games account.

    If you need additional information I am ready to answer it.

    Sincerely Enzo Huet

  12. Epicgames könnt ihr mir bitte bitte den Wildcard aus dem itemshop schenken ich habe nämlich fast gar keine skinns und V-bucks bekomme ich selten und er istein absoluter lieblings skin also pleas darf ich den skin gratis haben?

  13. Ciao epic games vi lascio questo messaggio, so che la mia opinione non conta ma ci tengo a questo. Sono arriveta su fortnite il capitolo 2 stage 1 è mi sono divertita tantissimo sopratutto nel capitolo 2 stage 2 ma dopo la stage 5 capitolo 2 tutto è cambiato a me è dispiaciuto di questo cambiamento e volevo farle una richiesta per favore epic games può rimuovere le stelle sul pass battaglia e far ritornare che ad ogni livello ricevi una ricompensa per favore questo parere non è solo mio ma anche di molte persone e magari far ritornare fortnite divertente come prima ti supplico anzi ti supplichiamo nemmeno gli youtuber che giocavano sempre a fortnite e facevano challenge beautiful ora non giocano più a fortnite per favore epic games questo è il mio parere.<3


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