The COMPLETE guide to ghosts and powers Phasmophobia


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In this article you will discover a exclusive list of all ghost types you'll encounter in the game Phasmophobia. This allows you to learn more about their behavior as well as on their strengths and weaknesses. Ready to become the best ghost hunter and identifier? Then let's get started!


If you want to learn all about the game, go and watch MrTiboute's streams!

Illustration of the game Phasmophobia
Image taken from the Internet

Number 1: Esprit  

The "Esprit" ghost is an ordinary but powerful entity. They are generally liabilities and only attack when forced to do so.

Key features:

  • The spirits are ready to defend their place of death at any cost, and are capable of killing anyone who abuses their hospitality. 
  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have a normal speed of 1.7 m/s ; 
  • À the player's view, they can speeds of up to 2.8 m/s ;
  • Spirits have no particular recognized strength, but they do have numerous weaknesses including the following: they flee from the smell of a burning stick of incense which renders them incapable of attacking a duration of 180 secondsand they have no hidden powers.
Illustration of the main characteristics of the Esprit
Screen on Esprit du jeu Phasmophobia
Spirit information and evidence :

Spirits are very ordinary entities. They are powerful but passive, attacking only when compelled to do so. They defend their place of death at all costs, killing anyone who abuses their hospitality.

  • Weakness A spirit can be temporarily repelled by burning a stick of incense.
  • Evidence EMF LEVEL 5; Spirit Box; Ghostwriting.

Number 2: Spectre

The Spectre is one of the most dangerous entities. They have the ability to fly or even go through walls.

Key features:

  • They are rather difficult to detect because they leave no footprints. So you need a motion sensor or salt to spot them;
  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. ranging from 1.7 m/s to 2.8 m/s ;
  • If their only acknowledged weakness remains the toxic reactions to salt, they have two main features forces ;
  • Firstly, they have the ability to teleport on the playerand then return to the room, without theno paranormal events are created;
  • Secondly, they are reputed to be particularly dangerous with cursed objects, as they can attack instantly. 
A visual illustration of Spectre's main features
Screen on Spectre from the game Phasmophobia
Spectrum information and evidence : 

Spectres are among the most dangerous entities you can encounter. They are also the only ones known to be able to fly and sometimes pass through walls.

  • Force Spectres almost never touch the ground, and their footprints are invisible.
  • Weakness Spectres have a toxic reaction to salt.
  • Evidence EMF level 5; Spirit Box; D.O.T.S Projector


Number 3: Ghost

The Phantom's main power is its ability to possess the living by inducing fear.

Key features:

  • It can be invoked via a Ouija board; 
  • A ghost cannot be seen on a photo taken ;
  • Incidentally, the other way of confirming that it's a ghost is to use theuse a music circle or invocation circlewhich will make it disappear immediately; 
  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. ranging from 1.7 m/s to 2.8 m/s.
  • By taking a picture of him, the ghost will disappear instantly and temporarily, This is undoubtedly one of its main weaknesses;
  • However, among its strengths, the ghost has the ability to reduce mental health rapidly ;
  •  Moreover, unlike other entities, the Phantom does not disappear if caught in a chase; it flashes longer during this phase. It has the ability to be invisible for 1 to 2 seconds
Illustration of the main characteristics of Phasmophobia's Phantom.
Screen on Phasmophobia's Ghost
Ghost information and evidence : 

The Phantom is an entity capable of possessing the living and inducing fear in them. They are most often summoned via a Ouija board.

  • Force Looking at a ghost will lower your mental health relatively quickly.
  • Weakness Taking a photo of a ghost will make it disappear temporarily.
  • Evidence Spirit Box ; Empreintes digitales ; Projecteur D.O.T.S.


Number 4: Poltergeist  

The Poltergeist is known for its ability to manipulate surrounding objects his victims to frighten them.

Key features:

  • Like all other ghosts, it has the ability to move at normal speed, between 1.7 and 2.8 m/she begins to attack when mental health reaches 50% ;
  • The strength of Poltergeist lies in the fact that it is the only one to have the ability to dispose of several items simultaneously with great force, varying between 2 and 6 units more strength than other ghosts;
  • In hunting mode, the Poltergeist is capable of throwing objects every 0.5 seconds;
  •  On the other hand, he weakens when he can't find anything to throw away. 
Illustration of the main Poltergeist features in Phasmophobia
Screen on Poltergeist from the game Phasmophobia
Poltergeist information and evidence : 

One of the most famous entities, the Poltergeist. He's known for manipulating objects around his victims to frighten them.

  • Force Poltergeist can throw several objects at once with great force.
  • Weakness When they have nothing to throw away. Poltergeists are considerably weakened.
  • Evidence Spirit Box; Empreintes digitales; Ecriture fantomatique.


Number 5: Banshee

Banshee is characterized by a siren who sings songs to attract her victims, but she's not always feminine.

Key features:

  • It has the capacity toprecisely identify the victim before delivering the fatal blow; 
  • It's a normal ghost 50% mental health attack, but acts only on its victim;
  •  She has the same travel speed than all the other ghosts (1.7 to 2.8 m/s) ;
  • A Banshee cannot change victims unless they die. All other players on the map are safe as long as the target is still alive;
  • Its main strength is thatit weakens its target before attacking it;
  •  It also has the option of move at random and can create paranormal events where she sings ; 
  • Once she has chosen her victim, the latter loses 15% in mental health, while the other players lose 10% ;
  • Using a parabolic microphone, the song of the Bashee can be heard; 
  • She has 30% to put his cry on her chosen victim. From there, she can only interact with it and not with another. 
Images illustrate the main features of Banshee
Screen on Banshee from the game Phasmophobia
Banshee information and evidence :

The singing siren who lures her victims with her songs. She is known to identify her prey precisely before delivering the fatal blow.

  • Force The Banshee will weaken her target before attacking.
  • Weakness You can hear them screaming thanks to the parabolic microphone.
  • Evidence Fingerprints; Ghostly Orb: D.O.T.S. projector.

Number 6: Djinn  

The Djinn is a territorial entity that only attacks when threatenedwhich has the ability to move at a significant speed.

Key features:

  • It has the ability to cut power, but cannot switch it on. 
  • It's one of the ghosts the fastest on the move. A speed that can from 1.7 m/s to 2.5 m/s in an instant as soon as it sees you. What's more, he canspeed up or slow down at will;
  •  When in the same room or within 3 meters of it, the Djinn can remove up to 25% mental health ;
  • If the Djinn has fairly high powers compared to the average, it loses all its faculties in the event of a power cut. 
Illustration of Djinn's main characteristics
Screen on Djinn du Phasmophobia
Information about Djinn and evidence :

The Djinn is a territorial entity that attacks when threatened. It is also known to move at significant speed.

  • Unique strengths A Djinn will travel faster if its victim is far away.
  • Weaknesses Cutting power will prevent the Djinn from using his ability.
  • Evidence EMF level 5; Fingerprints; Freezing temperatures.


Number 7: Nightmare  

The Nightmare is source of all bad dreams and is therefore particularly powerful in the dark.

Key features:

  • Its chances of attacking in the dark are greatly increased. Darkness is therefore the element that gives it all its power. It also has the ability to blow a light bulb;
  • Like all the ghosts in the game, the nightmare has a normal speed, i.e. from 1.7 m/s to 2.8 m/s. But, it attacks in the dark when the mental health is 60% and in the light when mental health will be at 40% ;
  • The nightmare has no favorite room, and can attack in any room. depends on the player's position
  • The Nightmare can turn on the power, but the cannot switch on light, nor any source of light;
  • To reduce your attack capabilities, simply turn on the lights.
A visual illustration of the main features of Cauchemar
Screen on Phasmophobia nightmare game
Information about Nightmare and Proof :

The nightmare is the source of all bad dreams, which makes it more powerful in the dark.

  • Unique strengths A nightmare has a greater chance of attacking in the dark.
  • Weaknesses Turn on the lights around the Nightmare to reduce its chances of attacking.
  • Evidence Spirit Box; Ghostly Orb; Ghostly Writing.


Number 8: Revenant  

The Revenant is a violent entity that indiscriminate attack.

Key features:

  • It has a deceptive speed of movement, which can be very fast. slow at rest but, conversely very fast when hunting.
  • If he doesn't know where the player is, he will moves at 1 m/s ;
  • As soon as the Revenant knows where the player is, its travel speed increases directly to 3 m/s to the last known position ; 
  • If he can't see the playerRevenant's travel speed will return to 1 m/s after 2 seconds.
A visual illustration of the main features of Revenant
Screen on Revenant from the game Phasmophobia
Revenant information and evidence :

The Revenant is a violent entity that will attack indiscriminately. Their speed of movement can be deceptive, as they are slow at rest but incredibly fast when hunting.

  • Force A Revenant will move very quickly when hunting its prey.
  • Weakness Hiding from a Revenant will cause it to move more slowly.
  • Evidence Ghostly orb; Ghostly writing; Freezing temperatures.


Number 9: Shadow  

The Shadow is a timid entity who reduces activity when several people are nearby.

Key features:

  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they havenormal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s but they attack when sanity drops below 35% and at the player's viewthey can reach a speed ranging from up to 2.8 m/s.
  • It's an entity that's hard enough to find, but which will not attempt a hunt if people are nearby.
  • A Shadow can't throw an object, but it can be used to can write or blow on the player in 70% cases, etc.
Images illustrating the main features of Ombre
Screen on Shadow from Phasmophobia
Information about Ombre 

The Shadow is a shy entity. It seems that a Shadow will cease all activity if several people are nearby.

  •  Force Shadows are much harder to find.
  • Weakness A Shadow will not attempt a hunt if people are nearby.
  • Evidence : EMF level 5 ; Ghostwriting ; Freezing temperatures


Number 10: Demon

Demons are the most aggressive entities, as it seems that attack for no particular reason and loves hunting.

Key features:

  • It's also important to know that, in possession of his power, the Demon has the ability to attack at any level of mental health whenever he wants;
  • Like all ghosts in the game, the nightmare has a normal speed, i.e. from 1.7 m/s to 2.8 m/s. On the other hand, it can attack from 70% of sanity without using power;
  • The Demon's main strength is that it hunt much more often than other ghosts;
  • What's more, the Demon's hunting time is spaced out. also reduced. In the presence of crucifixes, however, he becomes frightened. suddenly less aggressiveand does not attack within a radius of 5 metres;
  • In addition, the effects of burnt incense on him are reduced compared to other ghosts.
A visual illustration of the main features of Démon
Screen on Phasmophobia game Demon
Information on Demon and evidence :

Demons are the most aggressive entities we've ever encountered. They seem to attack for no reason at all, and seem to love the hunt.

  • Force Demons hunt more often than other entities.
  • Weakness Demons fear cricifix and will be less aggressive near one.
  • Evidence Fingerprints; Ghostly handwriting; Freezing temperatures.


Number 11: Yurei

Yurei is a an entity back in the physical world with a view to revenge or of pure hatred.

  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s ;
  • À the player's viewthey can reach speeds of up to 2.8 m/s. The Yurei can remove up to 15% mental healthIt also has the ability to interact with doors in a double way;
  • The strength of Yurei lies in the fact that it has a strong influence on mental health;
  • To trap it, simply burning incense at the place of deathwhich will make it possible to temporarily reduce travel for 60 seconds. 
A visual illustration of Yurei's main features
Screen on Yurei from the game Phasmophobia
Information on Phasmophobia 

The Yurei is an entity that has returned to the physical world out of vengeance and pure hatred.

  • Force Yurei have a strong influence on mental health.
  • Weakness Burning incense at the place of death will temporarily trap the Yuerei and reduce its ability to move.
  • Evidence Ghostly Orb; Freezing Temperature; D.O.T.S. Projector.


Number 12: Oni

The Oni is an entity that prefers to frighten their victims as much as possible before attacking them. Often, they are seen in their physical form guarding the place of their death.

Key features:

Like all the ghosts in the game, they havettaquent when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s ;

  • À the player's view, they can speeds of up to 2.8 m/s ;
  • Oni is able toremove 20% mental health in a paranormal event, if it collides with the player; 
  • In general, it can create more paranormal events than other ghosts;
  • However, it can't make the shadow breath; 
  • When there are people nearby, the Onis are much more active and drain faster their mental health once they've manifested themselves.
  • As soon as they are in search of prey, Onis disappear less often;
  • He cannot remain invisible for more than 0.5 seconds.
A visual illustration of Oni's main features
Screen on Oni from the game Phasmophobia
Oni information and evidence 

Onis love to frighten their victims as much as possible before attacking. They are often observed in their physical form guarding the site of their death.

  • Force Onis are much more active when people are nearby, and will drain their sanity more quickly by showing up.
  • Weakness Onis disappear less often when in search of prey.
  •  Evidence EMF level 5, freezing temperatures, D.O.T.S. Projector.


Number 13: Yokai  

The Yokai (Japanese for vengeful spirit) is a banal entity attracted by human voices and they usually haunt family homes.

Key features:

  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s ;
  • À there player's viewthey can reach speeds of up to up to 2.8 m/s ;
  • However, when his power is activated, he can attack from 80% mental health. This ranks him among the ghosts who attack with the highest level of sanity ;
  • If the player speaks within 3 meters of a Yokai, the chances of the latter activating its power are considerably higher. But if the player doesn't speak, the Yokai attacks only with 50% of sanity;
  • The risk of being attacked by a Yokai increase when the player talks close to himbecause it annoys him; 
  • On the other hand, when hunting, the Yokai can only hear voices close to himat less than 2.50 metres.
Image illustration of the main Yokai features in Phasmophobia
Screen on Yokai from the game Phasmophobia
Information about Yokai and evidence : 

Yokai are mundane entities attracted by human voices. They often haunt family homes.

  • Force Talking close to a Yokai can irritate it, increasing its chances of attacking.
  • Weakness :During a hunt, the Yokai will only hear voices close to him.
  • Evidence Spirit Box; Ghostly Orb; D.O.T.S. Projecteyr.


Number 14: Hantu  

Hantu is an entity takes advantage of the coldest places.

Key features:

  • In fact, it's a condition that makes it more aggressive and powerful
  • The Hantu attack from 50% mental healthand is one of the rare ghosts that requires proof. In his case, it's the freezing temperature;
  • Generally speaking, the speed at which Hantu moves depends on the ambient temperature. This is how it works, he doesn't accelerate at the sight of a player;
  • The Hantu's movements are faster at low temperatures;
  • À Conversely, they are slower in warmer areas. It does not have the ability to switch on the current, but can fog the mouth when visible.
Images illustrate the main features of Hantu
Screen on Hantu from the game Phasmophobia
Information about Hantu and proofs : 

Hantu are rare entities that thrive in the coldest climates. The cold seems to make them aggressive and powerful.

  • Forces Low temperatures enable Hantu to move faster.
  • Weakness Hantus are slower in warmer areas. Evidence Fingerprints; Ghostly orb; Freezing temperatures.


Number 15: Goryo

The Goryo is an entity that cannot be seen when it crosses a camera's field of view a DOTS projector.

Key features:

  • So you can get to know them, DOTS headlamps are mandatoryno matter how many proofs there are.
  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s ;
  • À there player's view, they can reach speeds of up to up to 2.8 m/s ;
  • A Goryo can only be seen through a camera and whenthere's no one around;
  • He can't put the DOTS on when there's a person in the room he's in;
  • In fact, the Goryo does not have the ability to travel far of his room, except in the case of a paranormal event. Once he has choose your favorite venuethe Goryo can no longer change it;
  • It is an entity that never travels far from the place of death.
A visual illustration of Goryo's main features
Screen on Goryo from the game Phasmophobia
Information about Goryo and evidence : 

Only by looking through a camera can you see a Goryo passing through the field of a D.O.T.S. projector.

  • Force : A Goryo will usually only show itself through a camera when there's no one around.
  • Weakness They never travel very far from the place of their death.
  •  Evidence EMF level 5; Fingerprinting; D.O.T.S. projector.


Number 16: Myling

Myling is a a noisy and very active entity. However, it is believed that it becomes very quiet when it starts hunting its prey.

Key features:

  • To recognize it turn on the flashlight;
  •  This will flash at the same time as the sound of footsteps.but only if the ghost is on the same floor that you ;
  • In this case, only footsteps will be audible, but the flashlight will not flash;
  • In general, Myling can identify yourself by your footsteps; 
  • The Myling has silent footsteps when hunting, but continues toemit sounds of paranormal origin.
A visual illustration of Myling's main features
Screen on Myling from the game Phasmophobia
Information about Myling from the game Phasmophobia 

The Myling is a very active and noisy entity. Rumor has it, however, that it becomes silent when hunting its prey.

  • Force The Myling becomes silent when hunting.
  • Weakness The Myling very often emit sounds of paranormal origin.
  • Evidence EMF level 5; Fingerprints; Ghostwriting.


Number 17: Onryo

Onryo (Japanese for "avenging spirit") is usually described as a furious spirit. Vengeful, he steals the souls from the bodies of its dying victims. She fears all forms of fire that will keep her at bay.

Key features:

  • Like all the ghosts in the game has normal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s up to 2.8 m/s ;
  • This entity can attack when mental health is 60%even if he doesn't use his power yet;
  •  Onryo has a chance to hunt when it blows flames. For the first two times they blow a flame, there's no risk ;
  • Visit end of the third breaththe ghost hunting in 100% of casesin a time lapse between 1 and 6 seconds. Afterwards, after each candle blastthe a 50% chance of Onryo hunting;
  • Whenever a player dies, them hunting probabilities of Onryo are increased by 25% ;
  • Onryo starts attacking when a flame goes out. All flamelike a candle, to protect yourself against Onryo in a 4-metre space. In the event of a threat, this entity will be less inclined to hunt.
Images illustrating Onryo's main features
Screen on Onryo from the game Phasmophobia
Onryo information and evidence :

The Onryo is often described as a "furious spirit". Seeking vengeance, it steals souls from the bodies of dying victims. This entity is known to be afraid of any form of fire, and will do anything to keep away from it.

  • Force Extinguishing a flame can provoke an Onryo to attack.
  • Weakness When threatened, this entity is less inclined to hunt.
  • Evidence Spirit Box; Ghostly Orb; Freezing temperatures.


Number 18: Twins  

These entities have the ability toimitate each other's actions. As a result, they attack alternately to destabilize their prey.

Key features:

  • The twins begin their hunt from 50% mental health. In terms of speed, the true twin hunting at a speed of 1.5 m/s ; the fake hunting twin at a speed of 1.9 m/s ;
  • Twins are considered a single entity;
  •  The true twin's circle of interaction is identical to that of all other ghosts. The fraternal twin has an interaction circle with a radius of 16 meters. This obviously gives its interactions a much wider field;
  • The twins do not interact at the same time, but make the same separate interaction by short intervals of 0.5 seconds;
  • One twin can get angry and attack its prey, without the other doing the same. On the other hand, they interact simultaneously with their environment
Illustration of the main features of le Jumeaux
Screen on The Twins of Phasmophobia game
Information about Twins and proof :

These entities have been observed imitating each other's actions. They alternate their attacks to destabilize their prey.

  • Force Each Twin can become enraged and launch an attack on its prey.
  • Weakness The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time.
  • Evidence EMF level 5; Spirit Box; Freezing temperatures.


Number 19: Raiju  

Raiju is a demon that takes advantage of electrical currents. By nature calm, itwhen it is filled with power. 

Key features:

  • With no electrical equipment around, he will attack from 50% of mental healthlike all normal ghosts; 
  • The same applies to its speed. On the other hand, in the presence of electrical appliances, the can attack from 65% of sanity. Similarly, its speed rises instantly to 2.5 m/s.  
  • La Raiju absorbs electrical energy from surrounding equipment, enabling it to increase its speed;
  • It can alsoaffect electrical equipment up to a distance of 15 meters. But since this entity constantly disturbs electrical appliances, it's very easy to spot when it attacks.
Illustration of the main features of Raiju
Screen on Raiju from the game Phasmophobia
Raiju information and evidence : 

A Raiju is a demon that takes advantage of electrical currents. Although generally calm, it can become agitated when overwhelmed by power.

  • Force The Raiju siphons electrical energy from nearby instruments, making it faster.
  • Weakness The Raiju constantly disrupts electronic instruments, making it easy to track when attacking.
  • Evidence EMF level 5 ; Ghost orb ; D.O.T.S. projector.


Number 20: Obake 

The Obake is an entity with the ability to take many forms. In this way, they can take on humanoid form to attract their prey.

Key features:

  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50% and have normal speed, i.e. 1.7 m/s. À there player's viewthey can reach speeds of up to up to 2.8 m/s ;
  • The Obake leaves footprints in 75% time. The Obake can be recognized by its particular way of leaving footprints. It's a the only a ghost with the ability to rhalve the time it takes to display a print60 seconds;
  • When interacting with the environment, it rarely leaves a trace;
  • Once transformed, the entity leaves behind unique evidence.  
A visual illustration of Obake's main features
Screen on Obake from the game Phasmophobia
Obake information and evidence :

Obakes are terrifying shapeshifters capable of taking on many forms. They have been seen taking on humanoid forms to lure their prey.

  • Force When interacting with the environment, an Obake rarely leaves a trace.
  • Weakness : Sometimes this entity transforms, leaving behind unique evidence.
  • Evidence EMF level 5; Fingerprints; Ghost orb.


Number 21: Mimic

The Mimic is a an elusive and mysterious entity that imitates the traits and behaviors of others, including those of other entities. 

Key features:

  • The Mimic, has no minimum speed or maximum flush because it will be satisfied with copy an entity. This entity generally has 2 stages. One in which it copies and the other in which he is in transition mode. In this second stage, it is completely inactive : it's a safety mode, so that the prepares to copy an entity ; 
  • In copy mode, when the Mimic copies an entityit not only copies the power of the entity, but also copy the ghost in its entirety and, in particular his behavior ;
  • However, the Mimic cannot change entity during a hunt;
Illustration of Mimic's main features
Screen on Mimic from the game Phasmophobia
Mimic information and proofs : 

The Mimic is an elusive and mysterious entity that imitates the traits and behaviors of others, including other entities.

  • Force We're not sure what this entity is capable of. Please be careful.
  • Weakness Several reports indicate orbs in the vicinity of the Mimics.
  • Evidence Spirit Box; Fingerprints; Freezing temperatures.


Number 22: Moroï  

The Morois have emerged from the world of the dead to siphon energy from the living. They curse their victims who cannot can only be saved with antidotes or in moving far away

Key features:

  • Like all the ghosts in the game, they attack when mental health drops below 50%. As far as speed is concerned depends on the mental health of its victim;
  • With a minimum basic speed of 1.5 m/s, and increasing by 0.08 m/s for each 5% of lost mental health by the victim. Its speed maximum can therefore reach 2.25 m/s ;
  • The Moroi is the entity the fastest of the game. It can accelerate like other ghosts to reach 3.71 m/s as soon as it sees its prey;
  • Moroi can cursing a player. Once it does, the player's sanity loss is doubled. This curse can only be removed if the player takes a pill;  
  • Moroi's strength is inversely proportional to the number of victims. Being a victim of hyperosmia, Monoi can weaken over a long period.
Images illustrate the main features of Moroï
Screen on Moroï from the game Phasmophobia
Moroï information and evidence :

The Moroi have emerged from the world in my dead to siphon energy from the living. They curse their victims, who can only heal with antidotes or by moving far away.

  • Force The weaker their victims, the stronger the Moroi.
  • Weakness Moroi suffer from hyperosmia, which weakens them over long periods.
  • Evidence Spirit Box; Ghost writing; Freezing temperatures.


Number 23: Deogen 

This entity is surrounded by an infinite fog, which enabled them to escape long-time ghost hunters. Deogen have also the ability to stalk their prey to the point of exhaustion, even the most elusive. 

Key features:

  • Deogen can attack from 40% mental health ;
  • Deogen speed is special ;
  • À over 6 metres of its prey, it will travel at 3 m/s ;
  • À less than 2.5 metres0.4 m/s. Its speed decreases as he approaches his victim; 
  • Deogens have the ability to constantly smell the living which makes it impossible to hide from them;
  • It also hasa cry of its own. A great amount of energy required for a Deogen to take shape. In addition, it moves very slowly as it approaches its victim


A visual illustration of Deogeon's main features
Screen on Deogeon of the game Phasmophobia
Deogeon information and proofs :

Sometimes surrounded by an endless fog, the Deogeon have eluded ghost shoes for years. Reports indicate that these entities manage to find the most elusive prey before stalking them to exhaustion.

  • Force The Deogeon constantly sense the living. You can run, but you can't hide.
  • Weakness Deogeon require a great deal of energy to take shape, and move very slowly as they approach their victim.
  • Evidence : Spirit Box ; Ecriture fantomatique ; Projecteur D.O.T.S.



Number 24: Thayé

Thayés have a special power which allows them to age rapidly, even in the afterlife. That said, en the presence of the living, their deterioration accelerates.

Key features:

  • The speed and mental health du Thayé depend entirely on age. Since it can change age (10 times), when it is close to the player, when it is in its youth, it can attack up to 75% of sanity and its hunting speed reached 2.75 m/s ;
  • Its probability of initiating an interaction can reach 200% ;
  • He generally ages after 1 minute 30 secondsThe same applies to its ability to interact.
  • Once it reaches his oldest age, he will attack below 15% of sanity, he will advance at 1 m/s and have 50% of interaction; 
  • When he gets to a place, the Thayé gets busy, becomes agile and defensive. The more time passes, the more it becomes less aggressive and slower.  
Images illustrate the main Thayé features
Screen on Thayé of the game Phasmophobia
Information on Thayé and proofs :

Thayés are known to age rapidly, even in the afterlife. From what we've learned, they seem to deteriorate more rapidly in the presence of the living.

  • Force : Upon entering the premises, the Thayé will become active, agile and defensive.
  • Weakness The Thayé becomes less aggressive and slower.
  • Evidence Ghostly Orb; Ghostly Writing; D.O.T.S. Projector.


And now it's your turn to become a best ghost hunter in your favorite challenging game! Now you know where strengths and weaknesses lie of each ghost in Phasmophobia. For further help, please feel free to view MrTiboute's live streaman excellent idea for progress and explore horror games.

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