What are the weaknesses of poison-type Pokémon?

Updated on 18 February 2024 by Prince

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To remember:

  • Poison-type Pokémon are characterized by better defense than offense, with 32 species capable of poisoning their opponents.
  • In battle, Poison Pokémon have difficulty against attacks from Pokémo of the Soil, Psyche and Insect types; but they are effective against Fairy and Plant types.
  • Exploit the offensive abilities of Poison Pokémon against Fairy and Plant types, while taking into account their vulnerabilities, particularly to attacks of the Soil and Psy types.

Currently, for the Poison-type Pokémon, there are 32 species specializing in attacks, of which 21 species have the ability to poison their victim. The Poison type has a better defense, which can be explained by its components: more resistance and fewer weaknesses.

You need to be aware of the poison pokémon's vulnerabilities and effectiveness. You also need to know the damage inflicted by each of its attacks.

We reveal the greatest limits of Poison-type PokémonIn this article, you'll find all the information you need about this type of Pokémon, both offensively and defensively! If you're ready to defeat this type of Pokémon, let's go hunting for information!

Illustration of poison-type Pokémon. Image taken from the Internet

Pokémon are creatures of unique species that are dedicated to battling. There are several types, categorized according to their abilities and natural strength.

And let's not forget that Pokémon is available as a video game on Nintendo, as well as on TV in the form of an animated cartoon, which is enjoyed by quite a few people around the world. In fact, a look at the number of downloads of Pokémon Go, it's hard to deny that the game has conquered the hearts of many players around the world!

What are the weaknesses of Poison-type Pokémon?

Poison-type Pokémon are famous for their ability to spread undeniably toxic venom. This venom can cause irreversible poisoning in enemies. However, as many Pokémon have their own weaknesses, Poison types are no exception!

Let's take a look at the pokemon poison weakness in the next few lines:

Attack weaknesses

Poison-type attacks are not very effective against the :

Poison attacks are ineffective on :

Defence weaknesses

Poison-type Pokémon are vulnerable to :

To help you out, here is a table illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of Pokémon by type, including the Poison type:

Representative image of Pokémon GO's strengths and weaknesses
Chart illustrating Pokémon strengths and weaknesses by type, including the Poison type.

To help you understand each of the strengths and limitations in the table :

  • 2 in green means attack effective ;
  • All 1/2 in red mean attack that is not effective ;
  • All 0's in black mean total attack ineffective.

Characteristics of Poison-type Pokémon

Poison-type Pokémon are one of 18 Pokémon types. Currently, the number of Pokémon that can possess the Poison type is 89. Some of the best-known Pokémon in the strategy include Ethernatos, Floréclat, Grotadmov d'Alola, Méga-Florizarre, etc.. As mentioned above, Poison-type Pokémon are better at defense than offense, but did you know?

The Poison type is one of the only types to have a advantage over the Fairy type. Although some representatives of Poison-type Pokémon can be considered allegories of pollution, only Pokémon with the seventh-generation Corrosion ability can poison any type, including the Poison type itself.

What are the strengths of Poison-type Pokémon?

Poison-type Pokémon are effective in attacking :

In defense, the types that have little effect on the Poison type are :

These are the Poison-type Pokémon weaknesses to consider if you want to battle them more easily. We hope this guide has helped you. Don't hesitate to consult our articles on other Pokémon and their weaknesses:

In the video games Pokémon Go and Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, you need to consult the type table to better face your opponents in a game. Some types do notraignent pas les éléments naturels: feu, eau, électricité et plantes.

Others, like the poison pokémon, is likely to poison the opponent by introducing toxins into their body and attacking their organ. Do you have any questions about this particular type?

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