What are the weaknesses of Fighting-type Pokémon?


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  • Battle-type Pokémon are vulnerable Psy, Vol and Fée attacks, that disrupt the circulation of qì in their bodies.
  • In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Combat-type Pokémon are weak against Psy, Vol and Faerie types, but resistant to Darkness, Insect and Rock types.
  • To optimize your Pokémon Go battles, use Fairy, Insect, Poison, Psy, Spectre and Vol attacks against Battle-type Pokémon, while taking into account their strengths against Steel, Ice, Normal, Rock and Darkness types.

Combat-type Pokémon, as their name suggests, are really tough, in other words, very difficult to battle. So, if you don't learn to identify their weaknesses, a battle with this type of Pokémon can quickly come to an end!

So which Pokémon types make Combat types vulnerable to attack? In this article, we reveal the weaknesses of battle-type Pokémon. And while you're at it, take a look at the different features and strengths! That way, you'll have a certain advantage over your opponents! Let's go !

How to defeat Battle-type Pokémon?

Combat-type Pokémon, more than any other Pokémon, constantly train their bodies to circulate Qì. In a Combat Pokémon, Qì is therefore more active than in any other Pokémon.

The Psy type

One of the main weaknesses of the Pokémon of Psych types. The circulation of qì in the body of Combat-type Pokémon is disrupted by Psy-type attacks.

Illustration of how psy type beats combat type
Illustration of how psy type beats combat type. Source : Alucare.fr

The Flight type

Attacks by types Flight weaken Fighting-type Pokémon. These are vertical attacks, and Combat-type Pokémon are totally helpless against them.

Image showing flight type beating combat type
Image showing flight type beating combat type. Source : Alucare.fr

the Fairy type

Resistors from fairy-like protect them from Combat-type attacks.

Illustration of how the fairy type beats the combat type
Illustration of how the fairy type beats the combat type. Source : Alucare.fr

Of the first to the ninth generation Combat attacks are also included. inefficient against :

NB: Pokémon attacks of the battle type are still possible. inefficient against Spectrum typewho are immune to the Combat type.

So, to defeat Battle-type Pokémon, use the attacks of the Pokémon mentioned above.

What are the weaknesses of the battle-type Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

In both video games, Battle-type Pokémon are weak against :

  • The Flight type
  • The Psy type
  • The Fairy type

However, they are resistant to :

  • Types Ténèbres,
  • Bug
  • and Rock

Their main strengths are :

  • Steel type
  • Ice type
  • Normal type
  • Type Roche
  • Darkness type

What type of Pokémon beats the Battle type in Pokémon Go?

Wondering how to battle Battle-type Pokémon like a boss in Pokémon Go? If so, you should know that Battle-type Pokémon are weak against :

  • The Fairy type,
  • The Insect type,
  • The Poison type,
  • The Psy,
  • The Spectre type,
  • The Vol.

However, they also have many strengths against certain Pokémon, including :

  • Steel type,
  • The Ice type,
  • Normal type,
  • Roche type,
  • The Darkness type.

Pokémon battle type list

Who are these little battle-type creatures (not double-type)? Here's a list of the names of the Battle-type Pokémon:

  • Arceus
  • Bétochef
  • Canarticho de Galar
  • Carpenter
  • Colossinge
  • Crabagarre
  • Ferosinge
  • Hariyama
  • Hexadron
  • Judokrak
  • Kapoera
  • Karaclée
  • Kicklee
  • Krakos
  • Kungfouine
  • Machoc
  • Machopeur
  • Mackogneur
  • Makuhita
  • Open
  • Palarticho
  • Pandespiègle
  • Poulpaf
  • Quartermac
  • Riolu
  • Shaofouine
  • Silvallié
  • Tauros de Paldea
  • Tygnon
  • Wushours
  • Zamazenta

Pokémon type Combat : Special features

Image illustration for our article "What are the weaknesses of Battle-type Pokémon?"
Illustration of battle-type Pokémon for our article talking about their weaknesses. Source : Alucare.fr

Today, there are several types of Pokémon, categorized according to their particular characteristics. They are various and each has its own specific features. Pokémon is available as a Nintendo video game. It's also available to everyone through television in another version, which is none other than cartoons. By watching the cartoon, you'll get to know strategies a little more and the game's techniques of each type of Pokémon.

The number of Pokémon creatures with the Battle type is approximately over 80 species currently, the best known of which, since they are most in demand during the games, are :

  • the Mega-Charmina,
  • Lucario,
  • Marshadow,
  • Chapignon,
  • Braségali,
  • Keldeo,
  • or Mega-Lockpin.

You should also know that the Combat type has 53 attacks 40 of which are particularly dedicated to the physical part. The most formidable of these is Mitra-Poing. The Flying Press, on the other hand, combines the Flight and Combat types, which is what makes it so special.

In strategic attacks, trainers can choose between Exploforce and Aurasphere. These 2 Combat-type Pokémon are renowned for their strength and their ability to fight by applying various fighting arts against the opposing side.

What are the main strengths of battle-type Pokémon?

There are two categories of battle-type Pokémon: those that are very fast and have impressive speed and those with a exceptional endurance during combat.

The types Ténèbres

Thanks to their knowledge of qì and constant training, Combat-type Pokémon are naturally resistant to the terror caused by Darkness-type attacks.

The Roche types

Similarly, the use of qì in Combat-type attacks can break the rocky shell of Rock-type Pokémon.

Insect types

Because their shells have certain flaws, Insect-type Pokémon are weak to Combat-type attacks.

Battle-type Pokémon are also effective against :

Bonus: A table summarizing the performance and weaknesses of each Pokémon according to its type.

Image illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of Pokémon according to type
Image illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of Pokémon according to type

How to read the picture?

  • The 2 in green means effective attack
  • 1/2 red means attack not effective
  • And the black 0 = totally ineffective

But also explore the various weaknesses of other Pokémon through our articles :

To help you, find all our Pokémon Go articles:

In short, now that you know a little more about battle-type Pokémon, including their weaknesses, it's your turn to play! However, there's still a lot more to know about Pokémon, so be sure to check out our other articles!

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