What are the weaknesses of Dragon-type Pokémon?


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To remember:

  • Dragon-type Pokémon are vulnerable Ice, Dragon and Fairy attacksand are particularly strong against Water, Electrik, Fire and Plant types.
  • Dragon-type Pokémon have an average stat above 100, making them popular with players, and many of them fall into the Over Used or Uber categories.
  • Since the sixth generation, Dragon types have been ineffective against Fairy types, which adds a strategic dimension to fighting them effectively in Pokémon games.

Many Pokémon players find it difficult to choose their character. As a reminder, there are eighteen types of Pokémon, each with a leader who is remarkably strong in attack or defense. On the other hand, certain moves don't have much impact on certain types of Pokémon. That's when you need another method, teaming up with another type to form a duo that will stand up to any type of opponent.

In the previous section, we talked about Psy typeincluding its weaknesses.

In this article, we will focus on the Dragon type. First, let's discover its weaknesses, its characteristics and then everything you need to know about this type of Pokémon!

What are the weaknesses of Dragon-type Pokémon?

Dragon-type Pokémon are cold-blooded and distinguished by their armor, claws and sharp fangs. But which types are strong against Dragon types?

Ice-type Pokémon

Dragon-type Pokémon are a bit like snakes: they receive their internal heat from their environment. They are numbed by the cold and cannot react, as they have no physiological defense mechanism against heat loss. Dragon-type Pokémon are therefore weak against Ice type.

Image showing the ice type beating the dragon type
Image showing the ice type beating the dragon type. Source : Alucare.fr

Dragon-type Pokémon

Dragons, on the other hand, are beings of excessive strength. On the other hand, their solid armor is no match for their own weapons. Thus, dragons, terrible creatures, are their own worst adversaries.

Image illustrating the fact that the dragon type can beat the dragon type itself.
Image illustrating the fact that the dragon type can beat the dragon type itself. Source : Alucare.fr

Fairy-type Pokémon

Similarly, from the sixth generation onwards, Dragon-type Pokémon are ineffective on Fairy types. This is because Fairy types are immune to Dragon types.

Illustration of the fairy type beating the dragon type.
Illustration of the fairy type beating the dragon type. Source : Alucare.fr

So, to inflict maximum damage, don't hesitate to exploit their weakness in battle!

Which type is more effective against the Dragon type in Pokémon Go?

In this version, Dragon-type Pokémon are weak against Steel-type and Fairy-type. This type is also vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy and Ice types in this mobile video game!

On the other hand, Dragon-type Pokémon are strong against the Dragon type.

Which type beats the Dragon-type Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

In this version, Dragon-type Pokémon are also weak against Ice, Dragon and Fairy types. As in the Pokémon Go version, their main strengths remain the Dragon type in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet! However, please note that these weaknesses do not take dual type into account.

Let's take the example of a Steel and Dragon Pokémon:

When a Sol Combat attack is launched against the Steel type, the damage caused will not be considerable, as the Dragon type is not weak against the Combat type in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet version.

However, using a Fire attack against the Dragon/Steel type will result in greater damage. Both Dragon and Steel are weak to Fire attacks, which explains why.

List of all Dragon-type Pokémon

For a better understanding of this type of Pokémon, we present a list of non-dual-type Dragon Pokémon for you to discover:

  • Arceus
  • Quebecois
  • Coupenotte
  • Colimucus
  • Draby
  • Drackhaus
  • Draco
  • Drakkarmin
  • Incisache
  • Minidraco
  • Mucus
  • Muplodocus
  • Regidrago
  • Silvallié
  • Tranchodon

What are the characteristics of Dragon-type Pokémon?

The Dragon has been part of the main series since the beginning of the first generation.

  • Dragon types are part of the colorless in the card game.
  • The Insect/Dragon pairing does not have a representative among the combinations containing the Dragon.
  • In general, Dragon-type Pokémon have a average potential over 100This statistic allows them to be the first choice of certain players.
  • To this end, most of the Dragon representatives are part of Over Used or Uber. Without going into too much detail, several Mega-Pokémon and legendary Pokémon are grouped together in the Dragon type, which is why this type is of such interest to Pokémon players.
  • Only the Steel type was its great rival until the Fairy type appeared. Despite their initial stats, which are rather interesting, the Dragon type should more control over technicalities of other types to better neutralize them.
  • To date, we have 77 Dragon-type Pokémon. Dragon-type Pokémon are mainly renowned for their sturdiness. If you ask us, Dracolosse and Minidraco have the potential to lead the Dragon-type Pokémon, so we suggest they do.
Illustration for our article "What are the weaknesses of dragon-type Pokémon?
Illustration of dragon-type Pokémon for our article on their weaknesses. Source : Alucare.fr

How resistant are Dragon-type Pokémon?

Dragon-type Pokémon are strong against certain types of Pokémon, including :

Water type

Through the lotus effect, the scales of Dragon Pokémon repel water, hence its resistance to water. type Water. However, because they are scales, they don't guarantee optimum protection for the Pokémon, leaving gaps where Sol-type attacks can hit them.

Électrik types

The electrical conductivity of Dragon Pokémon scales is slightly higher than that of the rest of their bodies. As a result, they are partially protected from electrical attacks without becoming insensitive to electricity. As a result, Dragon-type Pokémon are resistant to Electrik type.

Fire type

The Dragon type is therefore effective against the Fire type. Dragon Pokémon have fireproof scales that protect them from fire-type attacks.

The Plant type

The scales of Dragon-type Pokémon also enable them to resist attacks from type Plant.

In addition, from the sixth generation onwards, Dragon-type Pokémon are immunized against the Fairy type.

What's the difference between Dragon-type and Fire-type Pokémon attacks?

What's the difference between Fire and Dragon attacks? Just as Fire Pokémon's fire is composed of methane, Dragon Pokémon's fire is composed of dihydrogen. It generates much more energy when burned, which explains the distinction between the two types of attack.

Table of Pokémon strengths and resistances by type

To help you, here is an illustrative table of all the Pokémon's weaknesses and strengths according to its type, including the Dragon type:

Representative image of Pokémon strengths and weaknesses
Representative image of Pokémon strengths and weaknesses by type

Table showing the strengths and weaknesses of Pokémon by type, including the Dragon type.

How to read the picture?

  • The green 2 means effective attack
  • 1/2 red means attack not effective
  • Black 0 means totally ineffective

Find out more about the different types of Pokémon and their weaknesses:

In short, these are the dragon-type Pokémon limits you need to know about to add some juice to your games next time! Which Pokémon do you most like to add to your battles, and why? Share your preferences in the comments!

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