Tier List FR RSL for clan boss

Tier List FR of RSL champions for the boss clan.

Tier list only for boss clan, if you want a general tier list : CLICK HERE.

THE BDC TIER LIST IS NOT UP TO DATE and the most important thing = the compo you can make!!!! To look for compo, deadwoodjedi's site is perfect.


If you have any questions, I can help you live: alucare

Stream every Sunday from 3.30 p.m.–>11 p.m. mini and evenings at 9 p.m.

Need help with bdc?

If you need help with the BDC, I invite you to try out the simulator for the clan BOSS on the site : MYCLANBOSSTEAM made by Tab (Titaba). You'll be able to manage your team's speed to find out how to improve it.

Information for the BDC:

Illustration of an illsutrative table of speeds and precisionhs required for boss dungeon and clan.
Image illustration for our article "Tier List FR RSL for the boss clan", which lists the best champions for the boss clan.

For further information, click on the image or HERE to see the page on precision. All your champions who have to set debuffs on the BDC must have precision. And don't forget that you can set a maximum of 10 debuffs. The Ultra-Cauchemard BDC = 225 resistance = 92.5% chance of setting the debuff, for 25 more precision you're up to 96% chance. Go to the precision page for more "details".

Clan boss Rewards:

The rewards you can earn in the clan boss.


Information on the tierlist:

Some champions are very hard to use in BDC, some can be God tier, but will require a lot of resources to use.
You'll need to know how to compose your champions, and this tier list will tell you whether or not your champions can be used in BDC (as mentioned above, some of them are ultra-complicated to set up). However, you'll need to know how to make combos to increase your damage and last as long as possible in combat (number of turns).


Champion S tier | Champion S tier for BDC (God Tier)



Rare :

A-tier Champion | BDC Rank A Champion (Excellent)



Rare :


Champion B tier | Rank B Champion for the BDC (Good)



Rare :


Everything else =

I advise against riding champions who are not in the list, IF you think I have made a mistake in the tier list please put a comment telling me WHY or send me a private message on DISCORD.


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