Word of Lomepal – Too beautiful

Word and lyrics of the music of Lomepal – Trop beau

Lyrics + music and information on the title: Trop beau, which is part of the album Jeannine by Lomepal.

Translation available for other languages too.

Lyrics to “Too Beautiful”:

I watch her chain the cigarettes
Her tears flow in silence, we still hear the cicadas
We'd hurt each other even with zero words
Yet no wall on this earth
Could stifle the cry of our pheromones
We are not likely to last long
You even compared me to Lucifer
Now you drink and you want me
Nah but I'm hallucinating eh
I already know what distance entails
Either it's war for 10 years without a break
Either I leave her telling her

Keep smiling, nothing matters anymore
As long as we have a second of memory left in our heads
Our two bodies could die, I've already mourned
Now get away from me with a hidden tear in your eye
Our story could never have ended in calm and tenderness
I hate you like that phrase that said it was too good to be true
I will never admit that some of my own emotions frighten me
I hate you like that phrase that said it was too good to be true

Baby hold me tight I forget it's chaos
Around it is chaos
Look at us fate has no shame
The gods are not ashamed
I messed up everything this year it's still under construction
Can we come back in January
His gaze goes through my body like a long needle
Looks like we're done
The two of us in the same car, we're going to death
We hate each other so much that we make love again
Because it's like drugs, we have enough to get high
On his back my chest is hydroplaning
The problem is it reminds me why I love her
I see the beginning the first few weeks
We could start from zero
And take the first plane like in a shitty movie
It's delirium

Keep smiling, nothing matters anymore
As long as we have a second of memory left in our heads
Our two bodies could die, I've already mourned
Now get away from me with a hidden tear in your eye
Our story could never have ended in calm and tenderness
I hate you like that phrase that said it was too good to be true
I will never admit that some of my own emotions frighten me
I hate you like that phrase that said it was too good to be true


Too good to be true (X9)
Hey, hey, hey
Too good, too good to be true

Youtube music from Lomepal:

Who made the music Trop beau?

Script and direction: Dario Fau
Production: Glitch Paris
Actress: Souheila Yacoub
With the participation of the CNC

" Too handsome "
Produced by Pierrick Devin, Stwo, Vladimir Cauchemar, VM The Don & Lomepal

Lyrics for other songs from the Jeannine album:


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